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Path through the Forest


LOW-POLY: The path through the forest

This is my first project that I made in Unreal Engine 4 which took me a week or so to learn the software! All of those trees and rocks are made in zbrush. I honestly enjoyed the whole progress of making this art. I still have a long way to learn more about making environment in zbrush and unreal engine 4.
Thought or tips??

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You're going for kind of a polygonal style, so the only real advice I can give you is to try adding some extra grass textures to the hills and ground. Helps to keep everything looking unique and alive no matter what you're making. :)

Some good games to learn from would be the Uncharted games, they have TONS of lush forests but they all look unique without seeming like all the textures were put in at once.

Granted you're not a 200+ people team, but you can definitely learn a trick or two from giving the levels a glance.

Good luck man!

deafguitarist063 responds:

Thank you for the great advice! I'm still learning on the texturing part and how to use it in unreal engine 4. The uncharted games are amazing and I totally agree with you. I'm very inspired to try make an environment like their games which I'm sure it will take awhile for me to learn. The texturing part is little complicated to use UV map and placing it in right spot in UE4 actually.

Thanks for taking your time to give me the feedback, man :)

Credits & Info

4.13 / 5.00

Feb 8, 2017
8:35 PM EST

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