hey Decky,
On first impression, the art is very grainy and angst-filled. The background looks like you kinda just got the spray can in paint and sprayed a few blotches of white here and there. The presentation is quite chaotic, which sticks true to the theme of what you're trying to advertise, and the textures are quite raw.
You have executed your idea of rebellion quite consistently, and I can see what you are trying to do with the image of the guy in the middle. But it doesn't seem like the whole thing is cohesive, like it was just pasted on top. The stick figures and drawings in the background look kind of amateur too, even though it was probably on purpose. It looks a bit rushed.
However this poster serves it purpose. You display the theme of rebellion quite well, but the text is slightly hard to read because of the contrast of the red, black and white. It kind of looks like "rebellio festival" if you ask me (missing the 'n'). It does evoke rebellion as an emotion, a metaphor, and that you have succeeded at. It's just that your skill must match your vision.
You explore the subject of rebellion in a relatively competent manner, but it somehow doesn't seem like a fully-fleshed out theme is thought of. I think it's also added by the paint-esque signature on the bottom-left hand corner, with the smiley tongue-poking face, that seems kind of cheaply done. As for the punk influence, the guy's red fluorescent hair makes him seem like a punk-ish dude, but I'm not sure that the sign or stance reflects a punk attitude.
Overall, a well-realized vision of a poster, but could be well improved upon, if you had taken more time to care about the quality of what you were making.