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Trainer Red's Menacing Coffee Drink


Red is drinking his coffee....Menacingly...

I wanted to draw something anime and I had nothing in mind to draw, till I got the idea of drawing trainer red drinking his coffee in a more menacing way from a scene from a favorite anime of mine saiki k

Yeah I don't have much to tell

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I'm so glad you're posting art and continually improving your skills. Something about your drawings and the stories within the image always make me laugh, often to the point where I can't even breathe from laughing so hard!

In this case, Red trying to look all cool and mysterious while spilling coffee over himself like a baby.

DerangedKnite responds:

Thank you very much, I am going through sort of a whole despair thing right now, Its sort of unrelated, Its very related to art and social media and stuff, and a community I am in, And trying to influence it in a way and such, But thats for a different story.

Feel free to talk to me more about it.

But yes, I know its getting abit slower in my art uploads, But I am constantly making drawings, Some I am not uploading here because they are a tad bit embarrassing, But, They are well liked and I am receiving a small fanbase because of it also small as in literally 3-5 people

But I am mostly posting anime art in a way instead of my usual cartoony art style, Because I am trying to improve more in anatomy, I wanna get way better, That means I have to get used to a style of drawing, I may as well have fun doing it while I am at it, Both drawing more real life people and anime.

Also again sort of an art block, I had nothing in mind to draw so I thought it would be funny to draw that instead!

Thank you very much!

How does he like his coffee?

DerangedKnite responds:

Bland like his soul.

Too much coffee x3

DerangedKnite responds:

I guess red likes his coffee alot!

Credits & Info

4.30 / 5.00

Dec 4, 2023
11:48 AM EST

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