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You all know the movie that Steven Spielberg made and most worship (I don't. I REALLY don't place it on that high a pedestal. I like it for sure, but it does not satiate me...)?

Good, here's it overall feel and vibe summed up in 3 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8zlUUrFK-M&ab_channel=xithe

HOWEVER, This is NOT about the movie is because

1) The VAST CRUSHING majority already does fanart of the movie franchise specifically. Some make fanarts of the books dinosaurs but none seemed to have tackle the whole thing... until NOW that is !

2) I am tired of hearing it was this perfect masterpiece. Seriously, knock it the fuck off already youtubers !

3) I cannot top what others did perfectly

4) I am insensitive to Spielbergian whimsy. And YES, I read the more book-accurate script... it would have made for a better flick and the sequels wouldn't be needed. But as it stands ? Well "The Lost World" OWNS it on so many levels and is as a much worthier dino-flick while "Jurassic World" nails the Shelley's Frankenstein spirit of the book way better and has the chivalrous courtesy of killing a woman on-screen. Sexual equality was reached for that one scene ! So promising... sadly, more infanticides were needed to reach perfection.

So I will celebrate the 33 years of the novel that started it all. And for good reason as it is one of Michael Crichton's best books among many pretty good books (yes we will tackle Crichton one day once I'm finished reading his output) and here's the more book-accurate theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXc-prvDl6k&ab_channel=EpicVGM (let's be honest, the first game is the closest we'll get to an adaptation of the novel's atmosphere and violence...)

Now for the behind-the-scenes of this poster:

* The dinosaurs and other pterosaurs and Meganeura are based on my INGEN files which themselves are based off old Greg S. Paul, Hellraptor, March90 and Crash McCreery illustrations. Yes I have at best a 10th of their talent and you already knew what the attractions would be like, so hey, I am consistent ! The vibes of the raptors though is somewhat based on the creatures of Pitch Black...

* No feathers ? Bitch, this ain't paleo-accuracy I'm striving for (which is an unreachable endeavor. No matter how beautiful the illustration is, it shall always be an approximation. IRL Dinosaurs are probably so specific that it is impossible to nail their look 100%. Frustrating ? Absolutely. But that is how it is. We get clues as to their feeding habits but a sure and correct idea of their behavior is impossible to get perfectly ! There's only so much fossils will tell you. And if someone, tells you they're absolutely and perfectly sure about something ENTIRELY in paleontology, then it's just vanity speaking. Vanity that even Crichton points at in his books. After all, scientists are still mere mortals and thus sensitive to anyone's pitfalls.). I am reaching for Book-Accuracy ! Them's the breaks !

* Another reason to not give them feathers ? Most of the dinosaurs, specifically the theropods, exhibit capacities indicating that they are to real dinosaurs what the Frankenstein creature/FMA03 homunculi are to real human beings. Making them as accurate as possible is missing the fucking point of the novel.

* I wanted to illustrate the waterfall but I did not find a way to make it fit, oh well...

* The dinosaurs escaping the island is an excellent plotline so I had to include it. And speaking of which, that is where the movie loses the central theme. If you prefer it, good for you, I let you be judge of that, HOWEVER a lot of people ask "why didn't they just try to restart Jurassic Park? It was working great until it was sabotaged." That's MOSTLY true....in the movie (and even then, complacency will fuck it all up once someone wondered what would the Perfect Cell of theropods would be like). In the book, so much corners have been cut, such criminal negligence has been committed that it had already failed spectacularly by the time the experts got to the island. All Nedry did was speeding up the upcoming disaster. Procompys and Raptors were breeding, escaping the island in droves and probably would make for an excellent horror story due to the maternities on those islands...

* Ed Regis is based on nothing in particular, I just wanted the guy to look somewhat pitiable because yes I do feel sorry for him. Abandoning Tim was not cool but Lex ? Yeah, I will forgive him for that one...

* Alan is my favorite character in the novel so I gave him Donald Duck's Hawaiian shirt. The Hawaiian shirt of a God !

* Ellie is basically Hannah Dundee with Samus'hair. Yes, she's that awesome.

* Gennaro is a GigaCHAD and deserves more recognition hence why yours truly wanted to focus on the book.

* Hammond... AGAIN, the few depictions I've seen go the route of making him an unpleasant old bastard from the get go (excpet for 2 of them I think ?). NO. Hammond is able to make people trust him, he has to look affable and kind ! It's only later that one realizes that he is a capricious old dickhead . And it's for that reason AND the fact that there are a lot more people like him IRL that I prefer him to Movie Hammond. Yeah, I know Jurassic Santa is Spielberg's avatar but he really does not hold up to scrutiny especially when some scenes suggest that he was initially written to be like the novel one. Then again, I am not opposed to a "compromise"...

* Nedry is simply a mix of the mayor from Osmosis Jones and the fat comic shop guy from the Simpsons. He may or may not be Newman Jr. And yes, I also feel sorry for him despite savoring the glorious carnage !

* Malcolm is still Malcolm with the Daffy Duck smirk. The smirk of a God !

* Tim is basically how I'd picture a kind boy his age. And fine, the book does have cute moments here and there... so here's one right here.

* Lex I somewhat based on Asuka from that show people worship for reasons that I never got. Maybe they love Fanta ? Anyway, I had to ask myself " who would be realistic enough and insufferable enough so that I want to throw them to theropods so that they feast on their bowels, screaming and begging in exquisite pain ?". Yeah, sadly she's realistic because some kids are THAT bratty and dumb luck also happens IRL. Lex is a reminder that even if you're a dedicated meat-eater that has a refined palate, the world is still an unfair place !

* Henry Wu here is basically B.D. Wong from Jurassic Park 93 with his haircut from Jurassic World. And yes, the latter NAILS how his character felt like in the book. See, Henry would be content with making more docile specimens and he firmly knows that it's impossible to create real dinosaurs. BUT, this is a business first and foremost so you have to charm the consumers and constantly update the products. His labcoat is based on Henry Frankenstein's (not Victor but the movie dude) and the background is a nod to the opening of the show "Westworld".

* Arnold... was the hardest to nail because I DO picture him as Sam L. Jackson even in the novel (considering that he's pretty spot-on personality-wise). But in truth his outward appearance is hardly described. If someone drew him as a white dude, eh, could work. So I added the eyebags to detail how tired and overworked the dude is...

* Muldoon is based on Cable and Van Pelt from the Jumanji cartoon... and he's still BASED AF.

* Dr Harding... again, hardly described aside from being of a respectable age so I took him as is from that video game (which needs a script polish and more savagery to work as its own movie.)

There you go ! NOW if you ask me on what should happen, don't make demands for a movie... Live-action that is XD. No, make an animated movie using Crichton's 01-09-1991 movie script (THERE YOU GO https://www.trescom.org/hosted/scallenger/jurassictime/jtfiles/research/scripts/JURASSIC%20PARK%2001-19-1991%20(Crichton).pdf   ), THIS art-style and atmosphere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDaOgu2CQtI&ab_channel=PearljamVEVO . No kiddie bullshit like Camp Cretaceous, HELL, the kids may as well prefer the intense stuff ! It does not even require Braindead levels of gore but Silent Hill levels of discomfort (and without the dumb cults, thank you very much...).

Dino Crisis showed that it is more than possible, it is GLORIOUS ! Also no Netflixesque "inclusion" or "diversity quota" addition. I swear to Heaven and Hell, the first shithead who tries that with a book-accurate adaptation of this opus shall get disemboweled ! And deservedly so !

Well, back to work on the heroic jailbird and the genius teen detective. And, they will feature Ian Malcolm quotes and for good reason too !

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Sep 1, 2023
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