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Alex + Anna - Imminent Kiss


I have a problem, and it's called "becoming obsessed with the most obscure sapphic ship I can find" lol. After what happens between these two in canon though, I needed to make some art of them being cute and gay to wash away the pain

also, I randomly decided to write a little ficlet thingy to go along with this picture, so if that sounds interesting to you, read on below!


After class, Anna grabbed Alexandra's arm, holding her back as everyone else filed down the hallway. "Come with me," she said, once she and Alexandra were the last one's left.

Alexandra looked at her quizzically, but acquiesced. "Okay."

Anna took Alexandra's hand and began dragging her along. She led her up two flights of stairs and around several corners, to one of the many forgotten, unused corridors in the school. Anna was sure they wouldn't be disturbed here - most students would now be returning to their dorms, or else dispersing themselves among the various clubrooms and the grounds outside.

"So what's up?" Alexandra asked. "Why couldn't we go back to our room if we needed to talk?"

Anna chewed on her lip. "We need some privacy. Some real privacy, without any interruptions."

Alexandra snorted. "Sonja." She rolled her eyes.

Anna was glad she understood. Sonja had an annoying - though slightly endearing - habit of barging into their room without warning, and Anna felt her cheeks heating up at the mere thought of Sonja walking in on them during this.

Alexandra proceeded to pull out her wand, then began to sweep it in a half-circle, a motion Anna recognized as her sound dampening charm. Anna placed her hand over Alexandra's, stopping the spell. "Um. That's... not necessary, Alex."

Slowly, Alexandra put her wand back in her pocket, then gave Anna a long, appraising look. She must have noticed the tension on Anna's face. "Anna? What's wrong?"

Inside, Anna was screaming at herself. She had been so confident earlier, told herself all morning that today would be the day. But now that they were actually here, alone, she was losing her nerve. She began trying to think up an excuse for having dragged her friend up here, something to let her avoid the truth, yet again. All of a sudden she was back to the shy, timid girl she had been five years ago, before she came to Charmbridge.

But then Alexandra had come crashing into her life and befriended her, seemingly on a whim. She had shown Anna bravery and courage, had shown her that being brash, and confident, and even a little reckless sometimes, could be a good thing.

Because of Alex, she could be brave. For Alex, she could be a little reckless, just this once.

Anna took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled. "Nothing's wrong. In fact..." Anna reached and grasped Alexandra's hands. She ran her fingertips over the charm bracelet Alexandra wore, the one Anna had given her. "I think things are really, really right."

Anna ran her hands up Alexandra's arms, then rested her palms on her shoulders, before giving her a gentle push. Alexandra backed up, pressing into the wall behind her, and Anna took a moment to gauge her reaction.

The two of them often hugged and occasionally held hands, so physical intimacy wasn't foreign to them. But this time was different, and Alexandra had clearly noticed that. Her face was now slightly flush, her expression a mix of shock and wonder. She said nothing, but gently nodded, and Anna stepped forward to close the space between them.

Anna leaned in close, resting her head against Alexandra's collar, and wrapped her arms around her best friend. She breathed in deep. Alexandra smelled like shampoo, and laundry soap, and just a hint of smoke and sulfur, probably from some hex or curse, or maybe an accident in her Potions class. Nothing that could be considered 'girly', though Anna didn't mind - she loved that about Alex. Alexandra hugged her back, tightly.

Anna pulled away, just a little, so she could look up into Alexandra's eyes. They seemed to shimmer and spark sometimes, Anna thought, shining like emeralds. Right then, they seemed to glow in the magical light from the lanterns around them. Hesitantly, Anna reached up to cup Alexandra's face, as if she were afraid she'd scare her away. When Alexandra leaned into the touch, Anna swiped her thumb over her cheek.

"Anna..." Alexandra breathed, and it was all she could manage. For once, Anna had left her speechless, not the other way around.

Anna raised up onto her toes and tilted her chin to bring her face up to Alexandra's. Their lips brushed together as she spoke.

"I love you, Alex."


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4.19 / 5.00

Mar 20, 2024
2:47 PM EDT

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