I created the New Zombie Class “GUNSLINGER” The Cowboy Zombie
Health: 150
Role: Attack
Primary: Rattlesnake Bullet (45 Damage (55 Critical) Close/12 Damage (15 Critical) Long)
Secondary: Reptile Shot (34 Damage (55 Critical) Close-Long)
Ammo: 12 (Both)
Damage: Precision
Range: Close-Long
Step Mine:
Almost like Cactus's Potato Mine, After placing or throwing one of his Step Mines, it will trigger it to damage plants when the plants steps on it.../Step Mines take time to arm before exploding on the unlucky plant who steps on them. (Cooldown: 30 Seconds) (2x)
Zombot Backup:
Gunslinger summons his trusted zombot bodyguard, Bandit Zombot., who comes out from the portal and charges forward and knocks plants, then lays down suppressing fire with his arm gatlings. (Cooldown: 1 Minute and 40 Seconds)
Lasso Rope:
Gunslinger hurls his Lasso Rope at a target; if it catches, he yanks them into close range, bringing the plant to him. (Cooldown: 6 Seconds)
Gunslinger belongs to Me
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