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Fake Fighting Game Wip 1


Why hello there, here's a wip on a little art project I'm starting. A fake fighting game! Wowza! This is just a way to get good at animation really. Maybe one day it'll actually be a game? Probably not, can't program to save my life. I plan to post more Wips over time. The games whole vibe is inspired like majority of my art as mixed media, meaning stop motion, maybe a sort of realistic back grounds whether through photo shop, photography, or just traditional paintings. The character animations and all the editing will be done in Clipstudio paint, and if you guys want me to make a little short series based off of all this maybe I'll make little fake gameplay videos with a story, hell if others join in we could all work together to make some sort of project thing, I dunno. Just brainstorming over here don't mind me.

I think it'd be a nice project, to keep me busy in the last month of freedom and during the first semester of college. I only know 6 characters for certain who'd be in it (Fern, Jude, Luke, Lydia, Vick, Yury) unsure who else I could add, those 6 are kinda my go toos with everything.

The health bar itself originally was inspired by old and indie fighting games hence why the first UI health drain shows it center to outward. My residential fighting game connosiseur Ben pointed out how a lot of games tend to be out then to center so the players can see the health they're at a lot easier, and the perfectionist I am I decided to go back and just reanimate it. I was debating on removing all the rough extra pixels but I feel like it adds some charm to it, unsure though. Fun fact, all of the health bar itself animations was done via stop motion! I just edited it and cleaned it up in Clip Studio.

Anyway that's the end of my Ted Talk, bye.

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Credits & Info


Jul 23, 2024
6:26 PM EDT
  • Clip Studio Paint
  • Stop Motion Studio

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