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FNaF 1 - Phone Guy


Published date: Dec 26, 2019


Ok!!! Por fin, lo he logrado por fin terminar en FNAF 1 después hace como 6 meses que ni tenía ganas de dibujar a Phone Guy como si no me gustará su cabello que lo dejé hace tiempo y ni pensaba con que cabello se vería bien para atraer la atención.

Hello, Hello?! XD

Es la última referencia del diseño y he formado al autentico Scott Cawthon, el creador del juego.

Phone Guy/Scott Cawthon es el un empleado que trabaja para el establecimiento Fazbear Entertainment y ama los teléfonos clásicos.

Phone Guy es un tanto indiferente, sin ninguna explicación de por qué.

Él hace todo lo posible para informar al nuevo guardián al que se llama Mike Schmidt que "realmente no hay nada de qué preocuparse".

Scott se hace tratar de ser feliz a la gente que es un buen lugar para los niños de la atracción, pero por dentro de él siempre piensa que no parece agradable, es lo único que tiene su trabajo y le pagan, incluyendo a Mike si logra ganar las 5 noches.

A pesar del peligro obvio de ser asesinado por los animatronics en la 4ta noche. Se desconoce si está obligado a mentirle a los guardias, o si simplemente está tratando de hacer que Mike se sienta mejor, aunque esto último es más probable.

En FNAF2: Phone Guy parece estar realmente cómodo trabajando en su trabajo y no parece preocuparse por la hostilidad de los animatronics. Esto es probable porque estaba trabajando el turno de día durante el tiempo, y no entendía realmente el peligro hasta que se hizo cargo de la guardia nocturna. La única vez que muestra un sentido de urgencia en su voz es en la llamada telefónica de la 6ta noche, pero se esfuerza por mantener la compostura en situaciones tensas.

Espero que les gusten

Mike Schmidt de FNAF1

Diseño hecho por mi.

Juego creado por Scott Cawthon

La cara es basada por Scott Cawthon en la foto (LOL)



Okay!!! Finally, I finally done to finish it in FNAF 1 after 6 months ago that I didn't feel like drawing Phone Guy as if I wouldn't like his hair that I left him a long time ago and I didn't even think what hair would look good to attract Attention.

Hello, Hello?! XD

It is the last design reference and I have trained the authentic Scott Cawthon, the creator of the game.

Phone Guy / Scott Cawthon is an employee who works for the Fazbear Entertainment establishment and loves classic phones.

Phone Guy is somewhat indifferent, without any explanation as to why.

He goes out of his way to inform the new guard named Mike Schmidt that "there really is nothing to worry about."

Scott makes himself try to be happy to the people that is a good place for the children of the attraction, but inside he always thinks that it doesn't seem nice, it's the only thing that has his job and he gets paid, including Mike if he manages Win the 5 nights.

Despite the obvious danger of being killed by the animatronics on the 4th night. It is unknown if he is obliged to lie to the guards, or if he is simply trying to make Mike feel better, although the latter is more likely.

Phone Guy seems to be genuinely comfortable with working at his job and doesn't seem to be concerned about the animatronics being hostile. This is likely because he was working the day shift during the time, and did not truly understand the danger until taking over the night watch. The only time he ever shows a sense of urgency in his voice is on 6th Night's phone call, but tries hard to maintain his composure in tense situations.

I hope you like it.

Mike Schmidt from FNAF1

Design made by me.

Game created by Scott Cawthon

His face is based by Scott Cawthon in the photo (LOL)


Más personajes de FNaF / More FNaF characters

Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the BunnyChica the ChickenFoxy the Pirate Fox

Cooky the Cupcake, Golden FreddyMike Schmidt








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Mar 24, 2023
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