[Originally published to DeviantArt on Jul 14, 2022.]
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The Rowdyruff Boy version of a spliced scene from Three Girls and a Monster from Season 3 Episode 6A. The scene where Blossom and Buttercup argue about brains or brawns while the beauty, Bubbles, gets miffed about her sisters bickering about what is the best way to deal with a hardy monster. As pink and green try to take care of the monster in their own independent ways and styles they still get smacked down and argue again until Bubbles finally snaps and tries to do this by herself and succeeds flawlessly with her cutesy bubbly goodness.
No matter how you splice it; Bubbles was the winner of that episode who utterly schools her stubborn sisters, if not one of the many reasons why she is the favorite puff in the entire fandom. Boomer would have been a similar case, if done well without the downgraded personality he got in the last 2 seasons (along with his brothers). In my case I made Boomer into the Miles 'Tails' Prower of my take of the series so I can see this working too while Brick (Sonic) and Butch (Knuckles) bicker at each other like siblings typically do no matter their gender or allegiance to good or evil.
Original Series by Craig McCracken.
Screenshot Redraw/Trace-over by Escarietson (me).
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