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STECHCA's (or SCARR's) Motives and Practices, and symbolizes of: Struggle/Fight, Fear, Fearless, Iron-will, (mostly) Combative/Combatant, Awake/Awaken, Absolute-determination, Subjugation/Subjugate, Focused, Strength/Power/Might, Seriousness, Punishment, (mostly) (means: more or less) Merciless (means: No Mercy), Vengeance/Retributive/Retribution/Revenge, (mostly) Tigerish (means: resembling or likened to a tiger, especially in being fierce and determined), Authority, Death/Deadly, Threatening/Intimidation, Fierce, and Destruction.

(And also, using them to Supportive like, such as become Allies with helping each other for only during the war against insurgent's and terrorist's/militant's conflicts.)

Roles/Skills: (The Sabertooth's Awakened-Retribution and Determination Horde Front-corps;) Shock troops/Assault troops (including using roles/skills by: Silent Predator's, Megalodon's, and Cerberus's), Counter-insurgency (including using roles/skills by: Silent Predator's, Swarm's, Megalodon's, Cavalry Battalion's, and Cerberus's), Frontal assault/Human wave attack, Death-squad (including using roles/skills by: Silent Predator's, Megalodon's, and Cerberus's), Firing squad (including using roles/skills by: Silent Predator's, Megalodon's, and Cerberus's), (nearly Pillaging, including using (crime) roles/skills by: Silent Predator's, Megalodon's, and Cerberus's,) Urban warfare (including using roles/skills by: Cerberus's), Raiding (including using roles/skills by: Cerberus's), (nearly and sometimes) Extrajudicial killing (including using roles/skills by: Silent Predator's, Megalodon's, and Cerberus's), Search and destroy (including using roles/skills by: Cerberus's), Ground-offensive, Combatant, Close-quarters combat (including using roles/skills by: Silent Predator's, Megalodon's, and Cerberus's), Air assault (including using roles/skills by: Silent Predator's, Megalodon's, and Cerberus's), and Unconventional ground (warfare) operations,

(The Cerberus's Awakened-Retribution and Security Horde Private Army Guardsman-corps;) Subjugation (for conquered against their enemy insurgent's and/or militant's territories), P.O.W./Prisoners of war, Security force, Bodyguard, Counter-terrorism, (nearly) Torture and Prisoner abuse/Corporal punishment/Physical punishment, Deadly force/Lethal force, (sometimes) Capital punishment, Vigilantism (including using roles/skills by: Silent Predator's), Counter-revolutionary, Internment/Concentration camp, Riot control/Crowd control, Prison guard/Corrections, Blackguard, Exploitation of labor, R/Q.R.F. (Rapid/Quick Reaction Force), (Brutal) Interrogational torture, (nearly) Extermination camp, (nearly (Police brutality) Guardsmen brutality,)

(The Megalodon's Awakened-Retribution and Determination Armada Command-group;) Frontal maritime assault/Armada wave attack, Sea-search and destroy, Maritime warfare, Brown-water navy/Mobile Riverine Force, Riverine assault, Sea-offensive, Pirate exterminators/Pirate killers (means: Killing pirates) (including using roles/skills by: Silent Predator's), Surface combatant, Commerce Raiding action/Ship raiding (in video duration: 9:35/22:18,) (including using roles/skills by: Silent Predator's), Boarding tactics/V.B.S.S. (Visit, Board, Search, (and) Seizure), (including using roles/skills by: Silent Predator's), Anti-submarine warfare, and Unconventional maritime (warfare) operations,

(The Silent Predator's Special Death-Weaponized Pursue of Awakened-Retribution and Absolute-Determination forces;) Special operations/Commando, Black operations, Assassination/Silent execution, Direct action, Seek and destroy, Stealth paratroopers/paraglide-troopers/airborne forces (such as using: Parachuting and/or Paragliding), Stealth-firing squad, Special reconnaissance, Maneuver warfare, Combative/Martial arts, Stealth-raiding, Stealth-offensive, Counter-piracy, Long-range penetration, Covert/Undercover operations, Stealth-boarding tactics/V.B.S.S, Artillery observer, Nocturnal/Night operations, Deadly-ambush tactics, Tactical parkour (running ninja skill tactics), (nearly) Deadly murderers, H.V.T. (High-value targetings), Sabotage, Fear/Scare tactics, Ninja/Commando style raid tactics, Counter-sniper tactics, Tracking/Tactical Tracking/Tracking down, Flanking attack/ Flanking Maneuver (to flank against on enemy's/criminal's defense point), Hacking-Tactics/Cyberattack tactics, Hitman, Hit-listing (Hit-list), Abseiling/Rappelling tactics, (mostly) (Brutal) Torture and Intimidation, Vengeance pursuing crime, Espionage/Clandestine operations, Anti-cartels/Counter-narcotics hunt, Covert-observation Airstrike calling, and Unconventional covert (warfare) operations, (Biological Experimental Group;) Medical research and experimentations, and (finally) Biological & Chemical weapons experiment.

Founder/Leader: (The Supreme Over-Warlord.) (Warlord.) Ruikzafer.

Active begins: (somewhere-in) July, 2014.

STECHCA's (or SCARR's) Size personnel: 252,140.

Opponents: (Nearly and/or Sometimes Arch-enemy Opponents:) AARRC. (Including AARRC-NOCC, and AARRC-TEMS and FSCI.)

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Symbol/Emblem of STECHCA (or SCARR) by ExcellentUniqueArts on DeviantArt

JointSTECHCAGroup on DeviantArt

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Sep 29, 2024
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