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Eternalgia 1: The Beginning


Transcription if needed

Panel 1: The panel shows Marble (Who is a blue humanoid microbe, with a yellow eye and a light blue flagellum on their back, and wearing a light yellow dress, a blue ribbon, a dark blue vest with yellow buttons, blue wristbands, and blue boots with yellow buttons.) and Deni. (Who is a green humanoid microbe with a yellow eye, who is also more blocky and wears a dark green hat with a pink band and light pink pentagonal pin on it, a pink scarf, dark pink gloves, and a dark green jacket with a pink zipper, and though out of view they wear pink pants and dark pink boots.) The two are both sitting at a table in a monochrome environment that is tinted green. Deni appears happy. Both Marble and Deni are in the middle of a conversation. Marble thinks, "It's too early for me to go make friends! I haven't even lived in this city for a day!" as Deni says, "Most new people here make it a big deal, and they're so rude too! But you're nice!" Marble, confused, replies, "Um, thanks...?" and thinks, "What am I supposed to say here?!" while Deni continues to speak excitedly, saying, "And those people can get very disruptive too, acting like they're some big celebrities because they're the new guys!"

Panel 2: The view is focused on Marble, who appears to be forcing a smile. Deni (who is offscreen) says, "I'll say it again, they're so rude! There was this one guy tried to make everyone like them just because they were new here! But everyone just ignored them and they got very mad!" Marble replies awkwardly, saying, "Oh yeah, what a guy... Haha..." then thinks, "This guy talks a lot... Well, not a lot, but I don't really like being told this many words!" Deni says, "But so far, you're not bad. You avoid trouble, which is what everyone should really be doing!"

Panel 3: Marble starts standing up from their seat, appearing happier than they were. Marble replying to what Deni had said in the previous panel, says, "Okay, that's good...I'll have to go now. That's okay, right...?" Deni replies back, "Why'd you ask that? It's fine if you have things to do, I can't let you miss those! But I enjoyed my time talking to you, though! Bye, have a great day!" Marble replies, "Shoot, uhh... Yeah! Bye, uhhh, you too!"

Panel 4: Marble stands outside the building that they were in, silent. There is a speech bubble with an ellipsis in it.

Panel 5: Marble dashes away, thinking: "I need to go home right now! I can't talk to anyone anymore!"

Panel 6: Marble arrives at their house, thinking: "Finally! It's not too far away, so thank goodness..."

Panel 7: Marble enters. There are boxes in the room they enter. Marble thinks: "There's still stuff here to get set up, but this is alright. My parents aren't here. I'll tell them that I made a friend after I take a nap..."

Panel 8: Marble is asleep in an empty room, aside from their bed and a single container. Narration about their day is given by Marble: "I talked with someone, but I didn't know what to say. I thought that they hated me for that, so I felt like I should just leave them alone. This week is already a bit stressful. Maybe one day I'll get used to living in this city."

End of transcription

Entry Number #????:

I've been observing the organisms in this aquarium for such a long time, and it's still surprising how everything managed to stay peaceful. I had expected them to cause destruction, but instead they got along with each other. When violence is a choice, it is not acted upon, and when there is a problem, it is resolved. I don't know how I could've seen these organisms as any less than intelligent and social beings.

Actual commentary:

My first comic. I learned so much just from drawing the first comic already. I may change how the comic is presented later on.

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Waiting for 4 more votes

Nov 22, 2023
11:40 PM EST

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