My new profile pic, and the post where I go in depth, I suppose, with squishling lore! Keep in mind that nothing stated here is set in stone. As I gain more experience with creating lore and descriptions for original concepts such as species or characters, things may be changed or scrapped. I also apologize if my descriptions are hard to follow, this is the first time in a good while that I've done something like this.
- Squishlings are a species of scientifically engineered lifeforms used for a variety of experimental purposes.
- While I typically only show about 5 legs and 3 eyes in my illustrations, squishlings actually have 10 legs, and 4 eyes on each side of their heads. They also have a minimum of two shades of color on their bodies. Aside from these universal traits, squishlings come in a vast variety of shapes, shades, and sizes.
- Squishlings are born half of their adult size, and reach maturity at around 6 months of age. If left untinkered (more info about that will be shared in the following bullet), they can live for a maximum of 2 years, but usually only live for about 1 year. Any tinkering before maturity results in instant death on the squishling's part.
- Tinkering in this case refers to genetic modification of squishlings. A squishling's genetic makeup can be modified and restored via a specialized computer program only accessible to those who are approved to use it. Everything from their aesthetic traits, to their chemical composition, to their personality, can be played with for whatever reason.
- Squishlings are capable of photosynthesis; all they need is a light source and they're set. Some light sources, like the sun, are better than others at giving squishlings the nutrients they need to create food, but even something as simple as a small lamp can suffice.
- Squishlings, by default, tend to make cute little squeaking noises. But a popular practice amongst squishling owners is to replace these squeaks with short snippets of sound, whether they be sounds from pop culture, bits of songs, or messages from family or friends.
- Squishlings' eyes also act as ears and as breathing organs. To compensate for how versatile these organs are, the average squishling's senses are rather numb. Taste and smell are basically nonexistent, and other sense such as touch and thermoception are weak.
- It's not like squishlings need to have good senses anyway, as they're amongst the most resilient creatures out there, on par with tardigrades. They can withstand all sorts of environmental extremes, such as extreme temperatures or extremes pressure levels. Though most of the time, squishlings are most comfortable in mild, filtered water tanks, much like domestic aquatic or semi-aquatic animals.