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Spectreman No21 -Vegaron


Vegaron (Begaron) was a Gori Kaiju who was featured in Episodes 36 and 37 of Spectreman; “Death Match! G-Men Vs Monster Vegaron” and “Operation Destroy Gori’s Saucer Base!!”

_Appearance and Abilities_

Vegaron is one of Gori's creations that came from the Graveyard of Monsters (odd name and not to be confuse with Ultraman's Monster Graveyard, but kay) where some of his monsters wait their moment to be called by their master. The Carnivorous Crocodile Kaiju sport a wing membrane hanging from its back, in the vein similar to Dorako, albeit a single membrane. It's had webbed hands and feet and a long tail; the Kaiju was able to fire Toxic Webs from its fingers. It often walk on all fours but could stand on two legs; with its Webbed Feet and Legs, it was able to swim.

Vegaron may had have regenerating capabilities, as Spectreman shoot him to pieces at the end of their first battle, only to come back in the next episode and its tail was rip off in the second battle, only to bee seeing having regenerated by the final battle.

Vegaron Roar's was also Zeron's (the Triceratops like Kaiju from Episode 2 ad 3).

The story line marks a shift where the Pollution Survery Team is task to deal with the treat of Kaiju as part of the official line of work, as well the appearance of Sally as the 6th Member of the Squad, but third female to take the position. I sincerely want to know the story behind the scenes as to why this show changed the women of the team a lot.


Taking place after the battle with Moonthunder and the presume death of George/Spectreman, Vegaron arrives on Earth from the Graveyard of Monsters at the beckon call of its Master, Gori, with the promise of Food (Humans) to his hearts contempt, and the Beast begins a campaign of terror on its way to the city, consuming people along the way. Meanwhile, The Pollution Survey Team, still mourning the loss of George, are now task to deal with the Monsters as part of their official line of work due to the loss of Spectreman, with new Equipment, Lasers Guns and a new team member to boot; Sally, the third Woman of the team, since Margaret was nowhere to be seeing.

The team goes to the field and faces of the Kaiju with their ray guns, but in their encounter, Sally falls off the jeep and is hunted down by the Beast and is force to hide in a suspicious cave where she is cornered; Sally calls for assistance from the others.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to all involve, Spectreman is on board the Overlord's Nebula vessel, on its way home, having been rebuild from its last battle, while a new replacement is prepare to take his place to protect Earth; Spectreman, having seeing the Comet (Vegaron) heading to Earth, he request to be sent back, much to the rejection of Overlord, however, this becomes a necessity, as the news of the new Kaiju attack reaches their vessel and the new replacement is still a long ways to even been ready, much less reaching Earth on time. With time of the essences, and fearing for the life of his friends, Spectreman is once again commission into service and heads back to Earth.

Arthur and John fire tranquilizers to the Kaiju, dozing it, but blocking the cave; the group then tries to tie a cable to pull it away, but pull back as the creature reawakens, the effects been too brief; Spectreman arrives on time to the surprise of all and battles the Beast. In the Battle, Spectreman beats the Monster, rips the Wing Membrane off, in a very one sided battle in favor of our Golden Boy. After taking the Kaiju down he incapacitates it with Spectre Flash, seemingly having killed it, the Cyborg leave. As the others head to the cave to rescue Sally, the surprise keep adding as they find George, alive and well, explaining he was in the hospital where the doctors did not allowed contact – even though, some begin to have ideas of his appearances and disappearances, so Spectreman's.

At this point I would had taken this man into a police room and demand questions with his knowledge of Monsters and his many, MANY, escapes with death, but fine, whatever.

Meanwhile, Sally, going deeper into the cave for security, finds an Ape effigy on the wall, which opens a secret door and proceeds to investigate; not long after, George and the others make the same find; Sally reaches another door with the same Ape Effigy, and makes it into Gori's base. She contact the others, informing them of her find, but is soon capture by Gori's servants, her communication helmet falling off as she is been carry away to Gori for interrogation, only to be found by the team.

Looking around, George tells the others of the Apemen and their intents after studying the facility, as they have stumble upon some of them in the past. The team decided to destroy the base once they had rescue Sally, but soon face problems with Kurata, George and Arthur coming under attack by the Gori's servants, with John and George are able to take down some, but not without one of them activating a false floor, making them fall into a moat, while John and Otto face Vegaron (who had regenerated? - not joking, even the Wing Membrane was back, though this may be previous footage).

George is able exit the moat by shooting a chain; after coming out of the cave he transforms into Spectreman and battles Vegaron – in the fight, he grabs Vegaron by its tail and spins it so hard, he is rip off from it; seeing the battle, Gori demands from Sally the identity of Spectreman, knowing of his interactions with the Team in the past, but she refuses to talk and submits her to high voltage electricity, increasing it with each refusal, falling unconcious.

George and the team gather with Chief Kurata and begin to set explosives on the fuel tanks. This time George and Otto face Karas, and while the latter was stronger than the two, he is force to retreat to the control room to warn Gori; Otto and George break in, guns blazing, and Gori and Karas are force to retreat, allowing for Sally's rescue. The team gathers after setting the timers and try to escape, but are block by a persistent Vegaron; they shoot at him with no effect, so George runs out of the cave and transforms into Spectreman to battle the creature a third time. This allows the others to exit the cave in time for the bombs to go off, destroying the whole base.

Spectreman and Vegaron continue their battle, with the beast now using its Toxic Web strings, wounding him in the right leg at one point. The beast pounces on Spectreman and beats him some more.

The following here seems to be a serious case of just bad editing on part of the U.S. Dubbers or cut content for some reason, but it goes as does: Spectreman sees to a pointy rock close by and throws Vegaron to it and blasts the Kaiju, effectively killing it.

Now I have two theories for this; either Vegaron got impale through the body with the pointy rock, which why would they do that since we've seeing Kaiju been torn to piece in this show?; or Vegaron landed assfirst onto the rock, which would make sense to not show that.

So this is a call for all Tokusatsu fans out there that may had seeing the Spectreman OG Japanese cuts, please help a lad out here, Cuz Wotdafuk happen here?

In either case, Spectreman killed the damn thing for good. Despite the victory, Kurata and the others, now seeing the face of their true enemy, know their battle has begun.

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Rawr! >:D Lizard guy!

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4.56 / 5.00

Jul 15, 2024
12:00 AM EDT

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