You missed out on having one of Kitty's whiskers in her pinched finger like she's twiddling a fucking mustache overwise these're really cute n funny lol hahaeheh
You missed out on having one of Kitty's whiskers in her pinched finger like she's twiddling a fucking mustache overwise these're really cute n funny lol hahaeheh
henlo kinky
eu até hoje lembro de estar assistindo os curtas em stop motuion q o mcDonalds tinha feito deles e entregado junto com o mcLancheFeliz, era mt legal, dps tenho que re-assistir esses curtas, e terminar já q eu só tinha 2 dvd's de, 4?
Damn, actually like them so much in ur style.
It just adds so much goofiness to them.
daniel :)
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