This a REALLY old piece, at least a couple years back. Not sure why I didn't upload this sooner, I guess I'm not much of a Newground's frequenter. Anyway, on with it. :P
I wanted to draw Flonne, as she's cute as all fuck, so I spent three or so hours developing this. I did line work in Macromedia Flash 8, filled with solid colours, before exporting the image to Photoshop CS3, where I applied various filters and layer adjustments to give it a 'Disgaea' look. Keep in mind that this was before I knew anything about Photoshop, so go easy on how it looks. xD
First submission to the Art Portal, by the way. Haven't been here in yonks and Flash animation was never for me. Sadly, art barely is, either. Don't expect too much from me.
You may not use this work for any purposes.