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Cherufe Specimen


Subject: Cherufe


Cryptid Class: Silicon-Based Lifeform


Threat Level: Usually Low (depends on volcanic activity)


Description: A cherufe is a silicon-based creature made up of a silicate crystalline structure that is able to withstand the high-temperature environment of volcanic magma pools. Silicon-based life such as the cherufe are incredibly rare near the surface of the earth’s crust, since silicon is very restrictive in creating organic bonds, as well as being inert at temperatures where carbon-based lifeforms exist. Within the earth’s mantle, however, silicon-based life like the cherufe are able to thrive in this high-temperature / high-pressure environment where they can freely move around and are able to get all of their oxygen and nutrients from their environment. When they exhale, cherufe produce quartz crystals (SiO2), which ends up either being incorporated into their carapace or become embedded in the earth’s crust.


Diet: Cherufe are able to survive entirely off of the magma in their surrounding environment, as magma is mainly comprised of oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. They filter the elements from their gill-like appendages along their neck and stomach whenever they inhale.


Distribution: While cherufe are predominantly found in Earth’s mantle, they have been known to appear along the volcanic region known as the Ring of Fire, where they can be seen traveling through the magma pools of volcanoes. They were first spotted in Chile by the Mapuche people, where they were regarded as evil beings that caused volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.


Note: In Chile, the cherufe were attributed to numerous superstitious beliefs due to their association between volcanic activity (sort of a wrong-place, wrong-time scenario). The Mapache people tried to appease the cherufe by performing a virgin sacrifice by tossing a virgin into a volcano. This, surprisingly, did absolutely nothing. On a more tragic note, cherufe were hunted by people for the crystals that grow on their head and spinal column, which were used by Kalku (sorcerers in Mapuche culture) as ardent stones.

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Oct 29, 2020
2:57 PM EDT

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