Wow, Newgrounds is 30 Years old? :O
I made double fanart for these pages where the community of artists and illustrators was born, such as:
Deviantart and Newgrounds celebrate their anniversaries
Deviantart celebrates its 24th Anniversary. It was founded on August 1, 2000, dedicating the community of cartoonists to uploading their drawings and their characters. What's bad about them are their drawings with Vulgar content and uncensored publications, just like Newgrounds did. The same good thing from Tumblr is prohibited. the +18 content in the drawings of Other Vulgar Cartoonists
Newgrounds was founded in 1991 by Tom Flup, its owner and creator was originally a website for the Neo Geo console. From 1991 to 1995, Tom remodeled his website called New Ground Remix where there are games made by Adobe Flash player. They marked my childhood But its creator got into trouble at his university without accessing his page. He created another page called New Ground Atomix where they upload sequels of his creations, but in 1998 Tom moved his apartment where he created his page now. This is how it originated. NewGrounds won. its popularity well if you knew these games and animations made by the members of this page They were:
EddSworld created by Edd Gould and his friends
Salad Figers
Pico Schools
Geometry Dash
Friday Night Funkin
MTC Creator of Millie Megavolte
Games that Make Fun of Famous People
And Twisted Grim
This is the origin of the community of artists, illustrators and Toxic Fandoms of Other Franquis
Wow, Newgrounds is 30 Years old? :O
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