In the 90s anime, Sailor Moon might've killed some youmas who might've once been humans and she didn't know it at the time- Thetis certainly seemed as sapient as a human. She also indirectly killed Kunzite by deflecting his boomerang (which impaled him), although she did try to revive him in the obscure PC Engine Game. She also accidentally almost killed her friend Naru (but not quite).
Oh yeah, and in the manga, the Sailor Senshi all killed some people XD Lot of face melting and skeletons in the manga, and lot of civilians the villains killed in that version. The manga was kind of like a fever dream.
Usagi never WANTED to kill anybody though, certainly. And she tries to fix it when she can, since the Silver Crystal can (to a limited degree) alter time and revive people. Sometimes. Unless they're too far gone and turn into ghost rocks or something. It kinda depends on the continuity.
ANYWAY fun poster XD