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DTTS: Vs. Ruby Rose


Squall: So Rinoa didn't even last a full minute.

Sora: She told me not to tell you how long she lasted.

Squall: That's all the confirmation I need.

Sora: Anyway, I'm gonna head back out. See ya!

Squall: Sora, wait. Someone wants to talk with you.

Sora: Huh?

Squall: That team's leader, she was hoping you'd help them find those princesses. You know why by now.

Sora: Didn't you say Kingdom Hearts was dangerous?

Squall: I said it was if it was real. But yeah, I've been trying to talk her out of it. Not much success.

Sora: What do you want me to do?

Squall: Not sure why you're asking me. (Sora folds his arms, annoyed with Squall, who sighs) Fine. I want you to see if you can talk her out of it. After everything, I'd say you have a chance.

Sora: Huh, okay, what if I can't?

Squall: ...No matter what happens, I'll still be proud of you.

Sora: Wow, thanks Leon!

Squall: Call me Squall, kid.

By this point, Sora's learned his new friends have seen quite a bit of strife ever since they lost their world, and frequently butting heads with a team of huntresses on his journey has finally come to a head. At Squall's advice, Sora heads out to another Halloweentown from the one he's already been to, to speak with Team RWBY's leader and try to talk down their dangerous search. Sora arrives to find a haunting sight, the town already evacuated, and those that caused such an exodus, the Creatures of Grimm, reduced to statues. A trail of rose petals catches Sora's attention, leading him through the currently empty town...

(Sora sees a woman in a red hood talking with a lady on a broom representing the town)

Ruby: That should be all of them. You can tell everyone they can come back now.

Marnie: Thanks again, but it might take a bit for them to get back here.

Ruby: That's okay, take all the time you need... (Marnie flies off; Ruby turns to look directly at Sora, before vanishing)

Sora: (Stares wide-eyed) ... (Summons his Keyblade defensively and keeps moving forward, ready to open fire at the first sight of movement around him)

Reaching the town square, Sora is met with a woman in a red hood and a scythe, reading a torn page from a book found on her world. She reads aloud to Sora, "I have seen the destiny of many a world in my search for a permanent end to this war. The world I'll hide my prophecies on is doomed, save for one key Heart in need of preserving." Letting Sora realize the implications, the lady lets the page fly to the wind, before frying it with beams of silver light. Turning her attention to Sora as the scent of roses fills the air, she challenges him, to see how skilled he is with the weapon that chose him.

Ruby: Come on, Sora, we lost our homes, our friends, our families, and we're just two of hundreds of worlds that got devoured! The difference, ours can be brought back. If those Heartless were a bit slower? The Grimm would've found it, and no amount of skill with that Keyblade could bring it back! How many worlds do you think weren't so lucky? How long do you think my world's luck will last? I was shown my own world, everything I knew, everyone I loved, crumbling to nothing. Twice. Because some freak out there decided we had to be martyrs without even asking! And we're far from the only ones! We find that Heart? There's no counting how many deaths we stop! So nobody else has to see their home get torn apart until there's nothing left!

Once more rejecting her offer to mentor him, Sora fights Ruby with all his might, managing to subdue her with the spells he's honed through his journey. Cornered, exhausted, and entranced, the leader of Team RWBY is defeated, and Sora approaches her, sympathizing with her, for losing her world and growing up in a realm where Darkness rules all. He extends his hand to her, offering to help revive her world without Kingdom Hearts...

Sora: Ruby, I know what you went through. You and your team. I get why you're searching for that Heart. But it can't be worth taking people from their own homes, all to get something you won't be able to control.

Ruby: ...

Sora: You've lived in the dark so long it's messing with your head... (Ruby looks up at him, unimpressed with his reasoning) But I can see a light in your Heart that can't be crushed. (Ruby pauses) Maybe with all these Keyholes sealed, we can bring back our worlds, and save yours from the Realm of Darkness.

(Sora reaches his hand out to her; Ruby looks at it for a bit)

Ruby: ... (Sighs) Let's get out of here. (Takes his hand)

(Back in Traverse Town, Sora runs into Yuffie)

Yuffie: Welcome back, Sora.

Sora: Hey, Yuffie, I finally talked Team RWBY out of that Kingdom Hearts thing!

(Yuffie looks at him awkardly)

Yuffie: Yeah... about that, I think the red one wants to talk to you. She's in the Dalmation house.

Sora: Huh?

Yuffie: She said it's important.

RWBY belongs to VizMedia, created by Monty Oum and RoosterTeeth

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Disney, Square Enix, created by Tetsuya Nomura

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Would pat that wolfy :]

Hypno-Scream responds:

It's made of stone now, but you can pat it


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5.00 / 5.00

Nov 26, 2024
4:44 PM EST

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