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MM: Hyrule


Lauriam: The Kingdom of Hyrule? I think I recall you going there...

Sora: (Smiling) Yeah, back when you were all creepy and stuff!

Lauriam: Oh, of course. (Looks embarassed) I recall when we finally met the others, Kairi and Riku began malding a bit over your journey in that world?

Sora: Did I make them jealous?

Elrena: Nah, they were just sour they didn't get to see you wearing girls' clothes. Make sure to take pictures this time, Princess!

While searching the worlds, Sora returns to a familiar kingdom he had helped save on a previous adventure. Years have passed since he had aided the Hero of Hyrule in saving its sovereign, but now, Princess Zelda has vanished once more, Hyrule is in the midst of a gloomy upheaval, and the various regions have been hit with mysterious catastrophes. Remembering how Sora won over the regions' champions, Link entrusts Sora with helping them save their homes while he searches for Zelda. To start, Sora's taken to Kakariko Village where Paya informs him on what he missed since his last journey in Hyrule.

Paya: Master Link and the Princess were searching deep beneath Hyrule Castle, when they came across something horrific. A dark force unknown to us.

Sora: Maybe it was Chaos? It caused trouble last time I was here.

Paya: (Shakes head) No. Whatever they found, it was something else...

Starting with the Gerudo region (and donning the outfit he got from there last time), Sora reunited with Riju and learned she had actually met his friends while they were searching for ways to revive him years ago. The newly dubbed Keyblade Master and the Gerudo Chieftess team up once more, along with the other champions they meet, to purge the Gibdo sandstorm from the Gerudo Desert, cleanse the Zora Domain of a disgusting sludge, free the Rito Village from a cruel blizzard, and teach the Gorons that drugs are bad as well as free Yunobo from a goofy luchador mask. All the while, learning that they're the newly chosen Sages, destined to aid Link in his fight against the wicked Demon King, Ganondorf.

Sora: Wait, you met my friends!?

Riju: Riku, Kairi, Namine, they stopped by a few years ago, looking for a way to bring you back. Unfortunately, the Shrine of Resurrection requires a body... also it takes 100 years and you probably would've gotten amnesia.

Sora: Oh.

Riju: I guess whatever method you found didn't take as long. (Smiles at him) I do hope you haven't forgotten how to fight since last we met.

Sora: (Face red under his veil) Not at all Kairi- I mean Riku- I mean-

Riju: (Tries not to laugh) Welcome back, Sora.

Seeing Princess Zelda atop the castle, Sora and the Sages rush in to find her acting weird, only for Link to swoop in and slice her in two with his restored Master Sword, revealing her to simply be a puppet Ganondorf made in Zelda's image. The real Zelda was in fact a dragon from the past, floating around above Hyrule. Dismayed, they seek out the final Sage while Link and Purah track where the Demon King is hiding. As they searched, they found Paya, being bothered by strange people with the same symbol Sora saw earlier, though these ones seemed much livelier and weren't sure what Sora was talking about when he mentioned his previous encounter. After warding them off, Sora and Riju follow Paya to some fallen ruins, finding a stone hidden in there, waiting for her, the Sage of Shadow.

Paya: Sage of Shadow? The thought of being tied to the Darkness...

Sora: Don't worry, Paya, if there's one thing I learned, being tied to it doesn't make you evil.

Paya: Hm, you speak of Light and Darkness a lot.

Riju: It's probably how he processes things.

Paya: I wonder if there is a Sage of Light as well...

Sora: (To himself) Sages of Light and Shadow... I wonder... Zelda had a Heart of Pure Light last time I was here. Maybe this world has a Princess of Shadow too...?

Riju: (Nudges him) Sora, you alright? We're heading back to the lookout.

Sora: Huh? Oh yeah, I'll be right there!

With all Sages gathered, they meet Sora deep below Hyrule Castle, facing Ganondorf head-on. While they push him to his limits, the Demon King grows furious with the tides turning, consuming the Secret Stone he had taken, and becomes a horrifying dragon that Link and the dragonized Zelda face in the skies. Paya notices the Darkness swelling from the dragon's rage, remnants of a forgotten demise, seeking a new vessel, one tied to Ganondorf's blood. To Sora's shock, the Princess of Shadow of this world isn't actually the Sage of Shadow, but Riju instead. Sora, Riju, and the other Sages fend off the shadow of Ganondorf's rage, as Link goes in for the kill, freeing the land of the Demon King and giving Zelda, the Sage of Light and Time, a chance to be restored. Though things seem forever changed, the Hero, the Sages, and the Keyblade Master are confident that things will finally quiet down for Hyrule.

Riju: He said this world should be bathed in Darkness, not Light. Such a boorish outlook.

Sora: I'd say Hyrule's better off with people like you all running it.

Zelda: We might have some work to do beforehand. Luckily, Hyrule has never been more united than it now.

Yunobo: Maybe before we start fixing things, we should get something to eat? No offense, Princess, but you look starved.

Zelda: Thank you, Yunobo, but I am quite fine. (Stomach roars like a dragon) ...Hateno, anyone?

Sora: Heck yeah!

Demande: So, did you find the Princess?

Berthier: Well, we thought we did.

Koan: Turns out that was a completely different embodiment of holy Darkness. Who'd have thought?

Petz: Not to mention some guy and a redhead with swords kicked our rears. What a complete waste of time.

Calaveras: I thought he was cute. Spiky hair, fancy key sword...

Demande: That's an odd description. I think I heard that before...

Berthier: My prince, if I may, that girl he was with, a "Gerudo" I think, I could see a fire in her eyes. Maybe we were looking for the wrong woman?

Demande: Hm...

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Disney, Square Enix

Legend of Zelda belongs to Nintendo

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I gotta say, seeing Ganondorf's pissed-off eyes in that blood-red image(?) of Hyrule gives me the impression some *bad shit* went down there. The shards of God-knows-what off to the side aren't reassuring me much, either.

Credits & Info

4.81 / 5.00

Aug 9, 2024
2:22 AM EDT

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