Sora: So you know Sailor Moon?
Mysterious Voice: I can recall her clearly! The guardian of love and justice! Destined ruler of humanity!
Sora: What about Anita?
Mysterious Voice: Maybe humans in the Light Realm? But I know who she is! Her face is so familiar now! Could it be... Am I Sailor Moon?
Sora: Usagi?
Mysterious Voice: Usagi... No, that name doesn't ring a bell.
Sora: (Smiles) It will!
Sailor Moon, a legendary heroine who Sora had once called upon in his journey to Castle Oblivion years ago, and now she may very well be the formless voice that's been resting within his Heart this whole time. Sora seeks out her homeworld, Crystal Tokyo, to finally restore her. The world is beautiful, a utopia for all who dwell in it, under the care and love of Sailor Moon and her fellow Sailor Senshi. It's wonderous, awe-inspiring, mesmerizing... and yet barring the palace at the center, rather unfamiliar to "Sailor Moon". Sora figures looking around and finding some familiar faces will jog her memory, and thus he seeks out the other Senshi.
Sora: There they are! Hey, girls! Over here! (The four glare at him) It's me, Sora! You'll never believe who I have with me!
Mysterious Voice: Hm, they do look familiar...
Sailor Mars: Vile malefactor, returning once more to take away this planet's light.
Sora and the Voice: ...what?
Sailor Jupiter: The nerve you have, coming back here, wearing his face, threatening our Queen again!
Sora: Did I miss something?
Sailor Mercury: You won't be leaving this time! For everyone you've threatened, you'll pay!
Mysterious Voice: You definitely missed something!
Sailor Venus: Sailor Senshi, attack! For Neo Queen Serenity!
Sora: Uh oh...
It seems the Sailor Senshi are not only unaware of their leader's abscene, but believe Sora to be a miscreant they had encountered earlier. The four jump him, driving Sora to retreat while he and the Voice try to make sense of all this. After escaping, a disguised Sora slips into the palace to get answers, eventually finding some close confidents of Usagi, learning that Sailor Moon is the ruler of this world now, but she's been absent for a while. Sora presses them to tell where she went...
Sora: (Dressed in a lady's garb) I need you to tell me where Neo Queen Serenity went!
Naru: We don't know!
Umino: Even if we did, we can't just tell anyone! But we don't! Swear!
Sora: I know hypnosis!
Umino: So did she, what's your point?
Sora: Then why didn't she use it on you two!?
Naru: I... I won't tell. I've sworn I wouldn't tell any other servant of our queen.
Sora: (Discards his disguise) I'm not her servant! I'm her friend! And I'm worried about her!
Umino: Wait, that hair. You're Sora!? And not that weird other guy earlier!
Sora: Yeah yeah, other me, other timeline, and I'm gonna punch him in the throat if I see him again. Now please, tell me where she is!
Naru: (Sighs) She's on Planet Nemesis.
Sora: What!?
Naru: She's there to end this war between our worlds once and for all. The other Senshi objected for her safety...
Sora: That explains the spell. I'll have to snap them out of it!
Umino: That's not gonna be easy.
Sora: Any quick way to get stronger around here!? Training, EXP Walkers, anything!
Naru: I'm gonna pretend I know what EXP Walkers are to move this conversation along.
Umino: Isn't there that weird guy Uranus and Neptune sealed below the palace?
Naru: Oh yeah, they thought he was a vile space pirate, but he's been surprisingly polite since they caught him. He kept asking to fight the Senshi. If he took two experienced Senshi to take down, he might be able to push you!
Sora: Awesome, secret boss, that'll do! Thanks! (In his head) Don't worry, we'll snap them out of it.
Mysterious Voice: Neo Queen Serenity... Black Moon Clan... Planet Nemesis... Neo Queen Serenity... Black Moon Clan... Planet Nemesis...
Sora: Hello? Aw, I thought we were making progress...
This information worries Sora further, while the Voice is left silent, reeling from everything she's processed. Not content to wait for her to speak again, Sora resolves to snap the Sailor Senshi out of their trance. Unfortunately, with their power, he may be a tad outmatched taking them on all at once. Luckily, there's a prisoner (One also suffering from mistaken identity) below the palace who'd be happy to train him a bit should Sora free him...
(Sora makes his way to the location of the seal below the palace)
Sora: I wonder if this prisoner is as strong as they say...
(Sora jumps a bit as he hears the Prisoner on the other side of the seal)
Prisoner: KAAAA-MEEEE-HAAAA-MEEEE-.......... huh...
(The prisoner goes silent as if he senses Sora's presence)
Once he's strong enough, Sora goes out to the mesmerized Senshi, and breaks the spell over them one-by-one. They realize Usagi went out to Planet Nemesis to try and make peace with the Black Moon Clan, but fear she may be in danger. Alas, they're unable to leave their world unprotected with the rising amounts of Heartless. They entrust Sora to bring Usagi back safely, a duty he's ready to accept. As he parts ways with the blessed kingdom, he hears the voice once more, the palace, the Senshi, the talk of the Black Moon Clan, it's all so clear to her now...
(As Sora breaks each Senshi out of their trance, they call out to him with familiarity)
Ami: Usagi, ruler of the Earth, and the greater galaxy. Heh, quite surprising if you saw her test scores in school...
Rei: I can see the future, you know. I remember trying to see Usagi's before she left. I saw Light and Darkness clashing, it was chaos...
Makoto: We swore to protect this planet, long before Usagi even became Queen. We can't leave it to find her. Not while some dark power is swelling in the Heartless....
Minako: The Black Moon Clan has been our adversary since we met them. For over a decade even. But with our power, they were hardly threats. And now they have Usagi...
All Senshi: Sora, promise us you'll bring her back.
Sora: I swear my Heart on it.
Sora: You still there?
Mysterious Voice: Yes, I am, and I understand now. I'm not Sailor Moon.
Sora: Then who are you?
Mysterious Voice: I... am Queen Serenity...
Sora: ...Isn't she also Sailor Moon?
Mysterious Voice: Not quite...
(In a flash of light, Sora sees the Voice's appearance forming, she's the spitting image of Usagi, but with shimmering white hair and purple eyes)
Queen Serenity: The mother of Sailor Moon, this is who I am.
Sora: (Completely awe-struck) You're beautiful...
Queen Serenity: Thank you, Sora, but I must tell you how this all came to be.
(She touches his forehead, showing him her memories)
Queen Serenity: Long before this Multiverse you traverse existed, there was only one universe, all under one sky, ruled by my family in peace. But one day, an enemy rose from the shadows, the Black Moon Clan, a clan of anarchists, aided by an entropic force of chaos. The Sailor Senshi, my great warriors, defeated them, and I had them sealed away on Planet Nemesis in a void beyond existence. I had planned to release their offspring, should they have any, but it was not to be. The vile chaos that granted them their powers had found a new method of carnage, grim creatures that ravaged our kingdom, we had no choice but to destroy it all, and let things start anew...
Sora: So the Black Moon Clan that have Usagi...
Queen Serenity: Are their descendants. This is my fault.
Sora: Hey, we can fix it. It's not like you meant to be attacked and die!
Queen Serenity: (Chuckles) You're ever the optimist, Sora. (Hugs him) I'm sorry for dragging you into this.
Sora: (Hugs her back) I would've gotten into it anyway. Now let's go save your daughter!
Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation
Kingdom Hearts belongs to Disney, Square Enix, created by Tetsuya Nomura
You may not use this work for any purposes.