"Or at least something a certain fan would let you believe. He even finished it in time for his birthday! Well, as much as you can call this done, as he apparently worked on it for a good while, only to hear about his idol's birthday a day before the birthday party. Poor sod."
One of the key art for my current webcomic - an interpretation of "a knight in shining armor" that saved a character in the story and happened to also paint. Intentionally done as a digital speed paint, rushed by the sudden deadline with the apparent imperfections.
I'm slowly crawling back to various social media profiles I've left in the dust after I got, well, burned out on webcomics while I'm unemployed. It's different now - I'm employed as a graphic designer for 3 years now and worked on a passion project for 2 with the 1st issue printed locally... After I redrew it. Yeeeah.
You may not use this work for any purposes.