For this week's personal project, I'm going back to Marco Bucci's advice on blocking colours and focusing on the values. You can check his video on the subject right here.
I had no particular idea for this week's project, other than I wanted to draw Amaterasu from Okami, for no reason other than I very much enjoyed that game and it's been very sunny over here lately. I also saw it as an opportunity to change the overall colour palette of my gallery, needing something more pastel-y and less saturated than my most recent pictures (as of writing this). I'm not sure if it worked all that well, so I'll leave that up to you to decide. I encourage you to let me know in the comments.
Something happened while I was drawing this, well a few things really. One was that I noticed the drawing of hair and fluff became a lot less cumbersome the moment I stopped thinking about what I was doing. Drawing hair in bunches and then shading said bunches is a lot easier than going hair by hair (my first picture of this project may have proven that). Another thing is I stopped bothering with the background outside of the tree, and just left everything aside to focus on Amy, which I think that's the way the game worked (graphical limitation turned into an art style apparently). There's a severe lack of videogames where you play as a four legged character going around saving people and fighting monsters. I wish we could have more of those.
As of writing this I'm almost done doing next week's project, which will also be super simple. I think for the next one I will come up with something a bit more challenging (I say, as I aim slowly towards my foot).
Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate each and every single one I receive.
You can check the Making Of post right here.
Thank you!
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