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Artwork - The Kindest


For this week's personal project, I'm ending the year with some spoilers.

I think it's safe to say "Disco Elysium" caught me off guard in the best possible way, with it's fiercely good writing, interesting setting, great characters, and legitimately intriguing mystery (I'm going for a combo of adjectives here). But I sure wasn't expecting to have a "Oh wow this is genuinely shocking, I'm covering my mouth with my hands holding a gasp right now" moment as the reveal of the Insulindian Phasmid was. What an absolute stellar moment, what a way to wrap up the plot in one single beautiful strike, and what a wonderful build up. In the madness that is that story, with all the horrors that people will inflict onto each other, and the back-stabbings, treacheries, and plotting, to have a moment of absolute madness to ground everything again and give us a sense of purpose.

Oh no, I'm getting philosophical. Anyway! This game is great. The Phasmid reveal is stellar (easy one of my top ten favourite video game moments ever). I think you should still check this game out, seriously...even though I just totally splattered you guys with the biggest spoiler in the game.

Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate each and every single one I receive.

You can check the Making Of post right here.

Thank you!

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love stickbugging people with Disco Elysium spoilers, fuck yes

but for real, this is stunning!! Really captures the surrealness of the moment in the game.

this is rad, i like its eyes

Credits & Info

4.87 / 5.00

Dec 19, 2021
6:41 AM EST

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