For a first model, this is definitely up-to-par--I used to use Anim8or and Blender when I was probably 13-15 and I'll see if I can recall things I can advise constructively...
Alright, in respect to topography I can't say much because I can't see much, haha, but I remember triangles are bad for models that are to be rigged, weighted and animated, so if there are triangles, especially around joints, make 'em quads, ideally fairly even.
As for textures, the spec map is a little too shiny on the skin IMO, but beyond that, it's very uniform and kinda plastic looking. (Again, for your first model this is VERY good, but hopefully this guides a bit of improvement) I'd suggest making a soft speckled hi-res texture for a bump map and a spec map, just to get some bearings in that realm of things--perhaps do the same with the clothes, except more of a high-contrast bumpmap suggesting woven material.
NOW--As for the model itself--Pretty great in respect to anatomy, nothings seems too excessively short, long, wide or narrow, but it certainly could use some honing.