Alright. So there's the character and then there's the effects that make the piece what it is. The blue outline works well; although, it would help if, instead of just cutting it out on some spots, you managed to make it fade away. As in, get thinner. The hair has that effects that some newer cartoons do (Chowder on Cartoon Network) where it's a different layered texture. It looks good and looks interesting how it starts from the background colour and goes the other direction. I also like the white bubbles/sparkles/whatever floating about. They add to the "space bubblegum" theme.
I think her bottom half needs work, though, from the waist down. She's bending way too abruptly. Her right hand's forearm coming between her left and her breast looks confusing. It's supposed to cover up the breast some more. Shading is really good, although you ought to work on the values more until you can completely get rid of the lines to make it pop out more. Right now, it seems to be struggling between realistic and cartoony. Her left arm's shading looks very sloppy. The face looks fine and the background fits like it's a card of some sort.
Good job and keep at it to find your style.