Postal franchise is surprisingly vast
A while ago, I got back into Postal, and playing Brain Damaged, I saw this really rad image in the Steam forums that Springlock217 made that got me really inspired to repaint it.
I feel like I learned so much doing this piece, especially painting faces, skin tones and structure. It was really fun getting to paint each of the Dudes. (I also took some creative liberties and included some easter eggs hehe)
Original image by Springlock217:
(thank you for the front page!!)
Postal franchise is surprisingly vast
This is so nicely done. You've captured each of the dudes in such unique ways, that highlight the differences between them :D
If you haven't, you must send it to RWS, to feature on their website! ^-^ It's an awesome piece!
Thanks man! ^^
Oh! That's not a bad idea actually, I'll try it.
You may not use this work for any purposes.