Videx - Cantatas of Magos Toastarius 69,5 "Blesed be the the one that sets his occularis to 4k full color specs, for one may not know when they shall see the blessings of the Ommsiah"
Literally everyone on Casestus Metallican - Shut your vox Videx!
Contest entry for @KasedoGames ' colouring contest. No way I'd pass on this one, I freaking love AdMech so much!!! Colors are mine, lineworks provided by the contest organizer.
Videx - Cantatas of Magos Toastarius 69,5 "Blesed be the the one that sets his occularis to 4k full color specs, for one may not know when they shall see the blessings of the Ommsiah"
Literally everyone on Casestus Metallican - Shut your vox Videx!
The detail.....
Thank you! :)
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