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Here we have an ahuiani, a Mexica courtesan.

Ahuianime, "She who is cheerful", were permitted to smile, chew gum, wear their loose and even wink. However there were less favorable terms for these ladies like:

  • Apinahuani Cihuatl - The Shameless or Dishonest woman
  • Aoccan ca yollo - Nowhere is your heart
  • Monamacac - The one for sale
  • Nouiampa tlachixtinemi - The one who goes looking everywhere
  • Motetlaneuhtiami - One who lends herself to someone
  • Ocholo Iyollo - The One Who Stepped On Her Own Heart
  • Motzinnamacani - The One Who Sells Her Buttocks

Another way to refer to these women was related to the place where they were. So, another name they were called was, for example: Auiani Calli - "The cheerful house." And well, since we're talking about these concepts that we could call locatives, we also had the rough ones, and among them we find "the place where buttocks are bought", or Netzincouiloyan.

Now, well, you could also find prostitutes in the markets. There's a famous painting by Diego Rivera that illustrates this. But another place to find them was at crossroads.

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Flowers for days.

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Sep 5, 2024
7:11 PM EDT

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