love the colors!!
I love winter, especially the intense cold’s effect on nature, so you know what? I finally truly felt like making a landscape.
This was done on some green craft paper, I used pencil and pen, and some markers and water colour.
i’m really proud of this one and I plan to do a digital remaster.
Bonus, Kamen Rider idk
love the colors!!
chestnuts roasting on a-, yo wait that tree's fucking beautiful, open fiiiiiire
thank you!
Colouring is greatly on point, love the tree specially :3
Rider looking awesome!
Thanks! the coloring was tricky and I’m so lucky it came out right out of all odds lol
i have stage 13 pancreatic cancer
I uh… uhh… I don’t how I’m supposed to play with this script but..
HO HO HO but you’re still on the nice list so be glad!! merrrrrrry Christmaaaaaaaaaaaassss
Looks like a beautiful card you would recieve during the holidays! Also kamen rider in a santa hat is amazing
Thank you!
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