This is the cutest little guy! Great work!
I like the deluge of animal-themed artwork that you see every new year on social media, based on the Chinese zodiac. 2024 is the year of the dragon, which resulted in a lot of people drawing dragon-type Pokémon to inaugurate the new year. This is my small contribution to that trend.
Happy new year, everyone :)
This is the cutest little guy! Great work!
It's the cutest thing I'll ever see today.
So cute! Lovely colors and very clean work :)
One of My Fav Pokémon! I once used Dratini and parts of 4 other Pokémon to make an alien race for a story LoL
This is so pretty!! Your use of the soft gradient transition really create beautiful depth! Overall just so pretty and lovely to stare at, the image is tied so well together eeeee I cant get enough <3
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