I am on your side!
Donald Trump is SCUM!
We need warriors like you in this fight against fascism. Do whatever you can to stop Trump from destroying America!
YOUR body, YOUR choice!
When I saw the US Election results, I felt like my life was OVER!
We all need to band together and force this bastard Trump into an EARLY EXIT and bring in MUCH NEEDED CHANGES to American democracy!
I still have bad memories of my brother "schooling" me after Trump signed his Tax Scam into law in late 2017: we were about to see The Last Jedi together, so he didn't lecture me until after the movie. HOWEVER: when we got in the car after seeing THE WORST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN (it makes Dragonball Evolution look like Terminator 2!), he SCOLDED me TO KINGDOM COME!
It was the ANGRIEST lecture he gave me over ANYTHING EVER, and it lasted the WHOLE car journey home! The short version? "I don't believe the news you read because it comes from minority outlets I refuse to do any research on, I only believe the major well-known news outlets despite the skeletons they have in their closets who I refuse to pay any attention to"!
For the first time EVER in my life, I felt I couldn't trust him! He upset me SO much that night, I actually CONSIDERED throwing my Christmas present to him that year, Mortal Kombat XL for the Xbox One, INTO THE FIRE! Although I didn't go through with that idea, I genuinely DID consider, within 5-10 minutes of returning home, throwing said wrapped present into our lit furnace and shouting at him "THAT WAS MORTAL KOMBAT XL! BECAUSE OF ALL THE BIGOTED SHIT YOU GAVE ME AFTER TAKING ME TO THE WORST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN, YOU DON'T DESERVE A PRESENT FROM ME, EX-BROTHER!"!
Also, THROUGHOUT 2017, as I kept track of Trump's misdeeds, MY OWN PARENTS repeatedly parroted the SAME line: "People online are just scaring you"!
More of us know more about the major "news" outlets now than we did 10 years ago.
While there are right wing independent news outlets out there, there are ALSO independent news outlets who are more truthful than the billionaire bankrolled press many others STILL blindly believe even though people like us have actually bothered to open our eyes!
Sorry if I'm repeating myself but do NOT give up. Fight like you've never fought before!
Bastards like Donald Trump, Keir Starmer, Vladimir Putin and that Nethanyahu scumbag (I REFUSE to check the ACTUAL spelling!) NEED to be brought to justice! Their reigns of terror MUST be ended!
I don't want to see ANYMORE genocide, discrimination or other horrors!
The time for a reinvented society is LONG overdue and the people at the top CANNOT hide from us ANYMORE!
More people WILL wake up to the misdeeds of the 1%, let's make sure they do!
My apologies if any of my words happen to have offended you in any way. I am not the best at thinking up EXACTLY how to word each statement I make. Any offense you've taken from my words, if any at all, will be/have been unintentional. Like you, I am terrified what Trump will do to America once he's sworn in (unless SOMETHING happens to stop him!). Let's work together and end this injustice!