In this GIF, the gold robot from Daft Punk is seen on the left side of the wide screen looking off into the distance as he crosses his arms. While his head is tilted right, his body is facing more left, giving him a more stand-offish and defensive aura. He is wearing a shimmering black sequin suit jacket with black slacks, the uniform for Daft Punk's 2013 "Random Access Memories" era. He is wearing an all black button up and tie matched with a gold pyramid pendant in the middle of his chest. The light source is coming from the right side, while a light purple undertone illuminates him from the left.
The background is a pale white sky with a large tan mountain range behind his figure. There are two dark purple palm trees emerging from the corners of the screen. In the bottom right corner, the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas logo is seen with a loading bar filling up directly below the title.