Review Request Club
Ahh, class doodles. I love doing them...but yours are far more detailed :P
It's definitely random, but I like the amount of variety you did put in there. You could have gone a more cohesive route and drawn things related to eachother, but it's nice how you have all these oddities on a page, like the train and the cat and the eyeball...thing xD. And despite the fact it's just doodling, you do have a lot of detail in there as well, which is pretty cool. Some of the things you drew freehand are things I'd be interested to see developed and maybe made into drawings of their own, because you've got a whole group of pretty whimsical ideas, and the fact this is all done on a biro shows the amount of potential you really have, so really nice work yet again.
If you go back to this, I think adding more colour to it would be an improvement. And 'cause of the craziness of it, you really could go all out on the vibrancy with the colours and really make it psychadelic. But for a single-colour classroom doodle, this is really nicely done. Keep it up, as always.
-Review Request Club