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Some background information for the outsiders on highjinka,

Made this stupid ass art for a fellow highjinks member because I thought it might be fun. The member name is @MissXisAMedic aka Missx, the femdroid me and the boys plead in discord to show us her nipples (if she did she would get banned from the server XD) because me and the boys think its funny and definatley not flirting from sexually deprived teenagers/young adults. But that doesnt make me gay because it was all ironic...

I first posted this under a reddit thread where Missx posted art of her persona in a alternative outfit based on a art cover that @sash-sweat made for some highjinks fanfic that u/DIOssauringo made, and am not gonna explain what happened in the fanfic because you can read it right here on reddit.

In this picture I depicted Missx fangirling over her senpai, /vg/-tan. /vg/-tan (to anyone that doesnt knoe the character) is /v/-tan if he had an autistic fixation over one specific vidga (no hate towards autistic people but thats what it literally is). Made this on my phone and it took me 9 hours and 42 minutes and now I am going to hibernate until spring.


Edit: It wasnt /vg/-tan that Missx was fangirling over it was Goku, I forgot that miniscular error of mine

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Mar 16, 2023
1:54 PM EDT

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