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Aquatinoids Comic 8: My Weekend (UNFINISHED)


So I made this unfinished digitization back in 2022 of an Aquatinoids comic I did in 2021

But I feel like now is the time to finally post this puppy after so much years

*Blows Dust off*

It's time to post these unfinished digitized comics for good 

Yes, I finally have the guts to post this digitized version of a comic that BTW, I refuse to finish just like the second one

I'm gonna be honest with you guys

While I like what I did for this comic, especially the line art at the bottom, I just didn't feel like I could keep up or go on with this amount of ambition

I was told in college that you don't want to have too much ambition when working on projects, and they're onto something

But the worst part is that the comic panels were too small and bland

I couldn't draw the scenes I wanted to, and if I did, then I had to sacrifice an arm and a leg plus a good perspective just to have it

Like damn son 

The panels were too tiny for the big models and layouts for the comic

I had to squeeze some layouts in, hide so many background elements, crop out characters, and flood the comic with so many speech bubbles

So expect a better and more relaxed era of The Aquatinoids soon this year

I'll explain more of what I mean for the next unfinished comic

Until then, keep calm and don't draw with tiny comic panels

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Holy Crap, Was That An Octopus?

Nauticalginger404 responds:


It ain't no Squid

No Chicken

and No 1950's Television Set

So it has to be an Octopus

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Waiting for 3 more votes

May 31, 2023
4:05 PM EDT

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