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His crime had been only to love a woman…….alas, fair Matilda had been the bride of the evil fey-lord Oberon. For trying to rescue his beloved, Luminus was mangled and broken by her insane narcissistic husband. Yet before the elf king could strike the killing blow, Oberon’s son Xander had betrayed him, blasting him with spell-fire, then sealing him within an ancient gnarled oak tree.

Yet the damage had already been done. Matilda had been driven mad and had no will left to live. Leaping to her death she extinguished her own flame. “My love….was not enough to bring Matilda back from her insanity…I have failed…it is fitting if I shall die here, useless as I am….” The words echoed in Luminus’s mind as consciousness began too fade. Yet Luminus did not die. Startled, he awoke on a cold hard slab.

Before him was a boy with golden skin and horns. “You’re lucky I was curious enough to investigate the willow-wisps appearing around the ancient keep I found you at, knight. It seems someone wanted you alive. You were submerged in mineral rich mud and lichen containing medicinal properties.”

The boy's vernacular was educated and he had a subtle Moorish accent. Luminus saw his own handsome albeit battle worn face in the reflection of the white marble that was the floor but his body was entirely encased in thick armor. Whenever he moved there was the clicking sound of cogs and gears. “Where am I?” the young knight asked. The boy’s hazel eyes settled on him before he spoke again. “This is my laboratory…..I used what I had to correct the damage done to your body.”

Luminus suddenly realized his legs were entirely mechanical. The rest of his body was sheathed in thick metal,reacting to his movements clumsily at first but more accurately as he became accustomed to his new predicament. He trembled slightly as he stood upright. “I’m….not even human anymore……have you brought me back from the brink just to be your golem servant, demon?” Luminus’s voice trembled as the words left his mouth. Yet the demon boy’s face was etched with sad wisdom and even kindness as he retorted. “You’re not my slave, sir knight. If you wish you can pull out your own heart key….you will bleed to death quickly like a gutted boar…..but before you act out in such a petty selfish manner I would encourage you to contemplate how much “good” you can do in your present capacity.”

Luminus was taken aback by the boy’s answer. It was one he had not expected. “Crush this rock.” The child-like being before Luminus put a stone in his cold steel clad hand. With very little effort Luminus crushed the stone into powder, much to his own amazement.

“For the record….we call ourselves “esperlin”….“demon” is a slur the church attached to us. My father was a storm djinn and my mother was human….they were killed in the crusades.” Luminus watched regret line the boy’s face as he went to the far wall and took down a metal hilt with no blade. Without hesitation the youth brought the object back to the knight. “Clasp it….don’t worry, it has been forged with your strength in mind.”

Luminus did as the boy asked and as he obeyed plates of mythril that were spring-loaded into the hilt sprang into place and folded outward,locking together to create one very long and wide claymore. "It can cut through metal, stone, bone, and flesh with little to no resistance. "You’ll need it to continue saving innocent lives…..”

“You make such wondrous devices…who funds all this…?” Luminus’s curiosity had to be sated, he could no longer contain it. The boy grinned. “Ironically? The church. The silver-cross has started to build a bridge of peace and prosperity between normals and super-naturals. But we need people of potential to fight with us. People like you….I would not have worked so tirelessly to save you without a reason….”

It dawned on Luminus the woman he once loved had not been human herself….that things were not as simple as he had first believed them to be. Luminus was not stupid by any stretch. He could tell a good person from a bad person and the boy who had saved his life was certainly “good”.

It seems….we have a common goal….by what name should I call thee?” Luminus knew he should have gotten around to introductions sooner and now felt awkward. “Rahman…..you can call me Ray if you prefer to…I’m not picky…” The esperlin boy grasped Luminus’s free hand, giving it a gentle shake….


Powers/Personality : Literally “the man of steel” the walking mechanized “tank” known as Luminus has received many upgrades over the centuries. Luminus can use rocket thrusters to fly or rush forward at high velocities and his “energy lance” can cut through almost anything. When utilizing his power-cores he can even create a high density energy barrier around himself and others to deflect projectiles. (Not that the guy personally needs it, his futuristic memory-metal-polymer armor can withstand a nuke!)

Compartments in his bulking frame house missile racks and fully automatic gun turrets. Luminus’s helmet not only hides his identity but also projects holographic screens of area maps, vitals, important information, and helpful targeting icons.

Of course Luminus does need to recharge and have Rahman do a maintenance check daily. “Down time” usually lasts roughly 4 hours. If Rahman has to make repairs or install new hardware then a more lengthy “rest period” will be required.

Luminus has picked up mostly proper slang, etiquette, and mannerisms from each new passing generation. However, even when joking around or trash-talking he may still throw in a “thou” or “ye” from the olden days.

Rather than being “brooding and sullen” over his partially lost humanity, Luminus is mostly at peace with being a cyborg and is grateful he has more control over his emotions as a result. When a soldier is “calm and collected” the margin for error is lessened and innocent casualties are reduced. Luminus lives by this code with every fiber of his being making him a rather brilliant tactician.

Luminus has hid the fact he’s the same knight who loved Xander’s mother Matilda (He goes by the code-name Templar when in public) but he may reveal it someday…..assuming Xander has not figured it out already.

A gem in the chest-plate of Luminus's power armor actually serves as Rahman's realm-cube. (Aka the equivalent of a genie bottle or genie lamp). When within the gem, Rahman can fuse his power with his friend's making Luminus that much stronger. (In addition to giving the knight a stronger resistance against magic and psychic attacks.)




I suck at drawing wheel-chairs but an "attempt" was made!


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Jun 18, 2019
1:39 PM EDT

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