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Robby Mackleigh



Robby at first seems like a typical bully. Because Robby’s father was the principal it already put him at odds with the other children attending Gutter-delve high so he began delighting in pranking his classmates and even trolling them online. While George visibly disapproved of his son’s actions, he also brushed it off as “Boys will be boys” giving his son the smug superiority complex that he could get away with anything. So long as Robby made good grades and continued to be a good athlete George did not mind his son engaging in some “mischief” on the side.

However, Robby never was truly a “sociopath”. While he looked up to his father he could never quite understand George’s “obsessive hatred” of non-Christian people and despite loving his mother Betty, there were times she really “freaked him out” as well. Though both his parents spoiled him and provided him with plenty of material gifts , Robby couldn’t help but to feel “uneasy” as if the world around him was a constructed lie that would eventually fall away into a gaping abyss.

The truth is neither Robby or Nathan had wanted to cause Sarah “harm” when they chased her thru the woods on their dirt bikes. Eventually they were going to take off their masks, have a good laugh, and escort her safely home. Unfortunately for both young men fate had different plans. Sarah had fell down a ravine and broke her neck on a rock, her body cold and lifeless. For Nathan there was simply the fear of possible jail time but for Robby he felt his heart ache. Deep down he always had a bit of a “thing” for Sarah even though she was a younger sophomore. Not knowing what to do, the boys eventually decided to bring Sarah before George. Robby had mentioned his dad used to be a military doctor during Vietnam and if they were “lucky” Sarah was just paralyzed and in a coma which George could bring her out of by realigning her neck vertebrae properly.

It was then Robby’s life took a turn for the dark and macabre. George told the boys he “could” bring Sarah back to life but she was in fact “dead”. While George worked on Sarah’s nubile pale body he told both boys about the endless fight between “hunters” and “supernaturals”. He also remarked this war was so dangerous that hunters called back chosen souls of the dead thru necromancy to help them fight in their eternal war against damnation. In Robby’s mind his father had painted him a picture of valiant hunters like Van Helsing going up against various monsters he had seen in movies growing up. The thought of helping his father and becoming a true hero appealed to Robby on many levels. (Nathan was pretty much sold on the idea too.)

But nothing could prepare the boys when Sarah sat upright after being motionless and lifeless. Her dark eyes looked frightened and disoriented and to Robby’s surprise Sarah’s light blonde hair had started to take on a blue tint. Sure, Robby’s hair was blue too but only because he had dyed it that way! “This” was something different.  

“She’s no longer the girl you knew….she’s a homunculus…a doll…one of our servants….we will have to train her and take care of her….the fact she lost her memory due to her head trauma is even somewhat advantageous….perhaps God is looking out for us this day!” George seemed rather pleased with the whole arrangement though Robby and Nathan were still a bit shaken by the events that had transpired. George suddenly turned towards them looking at them intensely. “You boys did the right thing by bringing her to me….now you are apart of something bigger than yourselves….and I swear you both to secrecy! Not a word of this to anyone, understand?!” Both boys managed to squeeze out a shaky anxious ridden “Yes sir” before blushing as they looked upon Sarah’s attractive physique with teenaged lust.

Seeming to have no ingrained modesty left, Sarah simply walked around sky clad, curiously running her fingers along the basement wall as if its’ very texture was new to her. As the days dragged on, Sarah was given the new name Deidre and George began teaching her various skills. For awhile he took Deidre out into the woods alone with bows, knives, rifles, matches, canteens, climbing ropes, and various other gear. “Eventually” Nathan and Robby were allowed to come along too and began the same grueling regime as George prepared them for “the hunt”.

Robby was filled with elation. His father had never been so proud of him and having his best friend and the girl he lusted after along for the ride was icing on the cake.

Eventually George encouraged the boys to have sex with Deidre. He said it would strengthen their bonds and that “sowing seed” was every boy’s rite of passage to become men. Indeed, this erotic intimacy did make Deidre, Nathan, and Robby care that much more for each other and this synchronicity in turn made them interact more naturally when working together as a team carrying out objectives. It wasn’t long before Robby realized his mother knew about all this as well and she likewise approved. Her reaction was strange yet comforting simultaneously.

Then “hell” happened. One of George’s labs and safe houses had been attacked and a cryptic warning flashing on his laptop had sent him into a panic. “It’s time boys…..time to become “greater” than your adversaries…to become immortal…” George said this shakily as he ushered both boys into similar black metallic sarcophagi looking cylinders which Deidre herself had emerged from after being revived.

Robby felt sheer dread as the man sized canister he was in closed with a metallic clang and began filling with green fluid. Soon the strange looking liquid solution went over his head. When Robby could hold his breath no more as his lungs ached for oxygen he let out a silent scream while needled tubes sunk deep into his body, pumping out his red blood while pumping in a strange black ichor…..


Robby’s cylinder opened with a hiss as he stumbled out, coughing up the green fluid he had been submerged in for God only knows how long. Before him was a purple skinned behemoth, every inch of the giant covered in corded muscle. A metallic looking mask had been fastened over the creature’s face and as it looked at him Robby realized it was Nathan.

“You ok, Robby?” Nathan’s voice was even deeper than before, reverberating throughout the stone walls, steel gurneys, and glass beakers strewn around the lab.

“Yeah bro……yeah….” Robby nodded still a bit dizzy as Nathan put a huge reassuring hand on his friend’s shoulder.

The lab suddenly shook as if there was an earthquake, causing both young men to stumble around.

“Nathan, what the fuck is happening?!” Robby shouted out of both fear and frustration.

Nathan spoke again, his voice akin to rumbling rocks being grinded up at a stone quarry.

“They’re attacking us…….UNITY…..they’re why George made us stronger….to prepare us…”

Robby remembered his father talking a little bit about UNITY in the past…that they were hunters too but utterly Godless atheists who were pretty much just as terrible as supernaturals themselves.

Robby tried to reflect more on the subject matter at hand when suddenly he heard Deidre scream. A jolt of emotion ran through him like lightning and as it did his arms split open on instinct then closed back around the unhinging long blades that had emerged from the length of his forearms.   

Grimacing slightly at the pain, Robby nonetheless began bounding towards the sounds of the commotion, dead-set on saving his family and other team mate. Nathan followed behind, hunching over so as not to bump his head. …….


Powers/Additional info: When I first designed Robby he was pretty much an evil son of a bitch! I certainly could have justified this with his parents being who they are. However, “evil” can be kind of boring. How many times do writers throw in a serial killer/rapist just to be “edgy”? Realistically very few of us have the sheer apathy necessary to kill people, much less harm them to the point they cry.

So yeah, Robby was kind of a bully in High School. However, his antics never went beyond prank phone calls, sour milk in lockers, and posts on the Gutterdelve HS forums telling certain people to “Drop dead”.

What happened to Sarah was simply a matter of two guys being way too obnoxious and one girl having really bad luck. When I originally wrote this scenario it had more sinister overtones. In the first version Nathan and Robby raped Sarah and she “died” during her struggling. However, I don’t think most teenaged guys really act that way. To be frank it’s more believable they just wanted to scare a sophomore for some shits & giggles close to Halloween and after “the joke” Robby even wanted to talk to Sarah and give her a ride on his dirt bike. Don’t get me wrong, Robby and Nathan were still “assholes” for chasing Sarah thru the woods with their masks on but it’s the type of tom-foolery any of us probably indulged in when we were adolescents ourselves!

Later after Sarah becomes Deidre I warmed up to the notion that these three misfits even became close friends and bonded after George began training them to become hunters. All the sex that happens between Deidre, George, Robby, and Nathan is 100% consensual. Having stated that for the record, the fact she’s an amnesiac who was brainwashed to be a sexually submissive supernatural slaying assassin indoctrinated into George’s whacky cult still makes the whole situation moralistically “shady”. 

Regardless, Robby is a bit of a maverick in the sense I want him to have the “free will” to question his father’s and mother’s beliefs and not be okay with actually killing innocent people. (Even if they happen to be werewolves, vampires, or things stranger still!) While Robby may do cruel things when peer pressured into them he has the ability to feel remorse for his actions. Overall I believe this makes him a more layered and believable character. He may not be as “homicidal” as say Jeff The Killer but I’m fine with that!

Could Robby even become somewhat of a hero later on? I’ve toyed with the possibility but I think it would be a slow process. Additionally I also think him & Deidre would make a good couple. They’ve been thru the same “rebirth” as homunculi and that is something only they could understand. This might have been partially the reason Deidre later breaks up with Dwayne. While Dwayne is a great guy I believe Deidre and Robby have a more genuine connection.

Power wise Robby has those really lethal unfolding blades that extend from his fore arms. In addition I picture him being very agile, dexterous, and having a very high healing factor. Believe it or not, Serph from Digital Devil saga was more of an influence on Robby’s design than Wolverine was.

"True memories"

After Betty's memory marigolds die and relinquish their false-memory manipulation,Robby remembers he was actually friends with Ben O'Sheely when they were very young. It was only after 8th grade he became more part of "the popular clique" with Nathan. (Had things went differently Robby might have ended in the investigative supernatural guild with the other main characters.)

While Robby was a bit of a "trouble-maker" he was not a bully to the extent his false memories led him to believe. This fills him with a sense of relief as he realizes he never truly wanted to hurt anyone. (Though it was occasionally "fun" to prank or "boo scare" certain classmates just to see their initial reactions!)

Despite being athletic and apart of the track and field team Robby also recalls he had a love for creating clay figurines,animated skits,and surreal or silly short stories.

This softer,gentler,quieter,and more artistic side is why he and Ben got along so well before parting ways.


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Oct 24, 2019
12:59 AM EDT

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