The Painting looks good :)
I consider this a practice phase and log for my digital art journey. Long text below if anyone even wants to read.
I had a project for my photoshop class which was to paint either a landscape or a portrait using the mixer brush tools along with any other techniques or utilities in Adobe Photoshop. Basically I had the original photo as the background layer and using the eyedrop tool, would copy the different shades of the skin and color it onto that second layer. That was pretty much the process of our testing phase.
So yeah, it's basically traced. Last time I ever traced was when I was first learning how to draw as in, regular penciling rather than a full art piece like this which I was a bit intimidated by since I'm more of a sketching on paper type of artist, not a digital one. However, I have to admit I still had genuine fun and passion in doing this project. It definitely could have looked better and had more smoother blending of the colors but overall, actually came out pretty decent and recognizable. For some time I've wanted to do more digital art which I've done in the past including the 2 pieces I've created and posted to the rest of my profile. I was going to do more but at the time, I felt I did not have any proper skill and was still developing my skill along with feeling like my brain or just myself was limiting my creativity and imagination. That along with being skilled in the art of procrastination.
Fortunately, I was able to gradually break that limitation down by just studying anatomy and watching art videos that gave techniques, wisdom of tips, and ideas on how to develop my drawing skills and most importantly, keep my creativity intact since there was a period of time where I stopped drawing for some weeks while occasionally doing some small sketches that can be done in a few minutes or 30 minutes. However, I broke past this mental barrier and can draw tremendously well without constantly feeling like I must be perfect in every single aspect of my drawings.
I explain all of this because something about this one particular art piece I had to work on genuinely felt like a huge confidence booster in taking part in digital art. And I'll definitely post my sketches including old work I've done in the past which are of the "Dogelore" characters that became a running joke between me and my cousin who enjoys the Doge memes. (RIP Kabosuma And Balltze).
That's all I've got to say now, I just need to pursue my passion for art and need for knowledge, so expect more posts and consider this a journey into something that's possibly going to be amazingly great. Anyway cya.
Also dang I gotta figure out this formatting stuff.
The Painting looks good :)
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