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James Wild


Here's the next character I've, just about, finished up!

*Name: James Wild

*Age: 15 (Season 1)

*Species: European Wild Boar

-Ethnicity: Danish

*Gender: Male

*Residence: Elmore (Season 1)

*Characteristics: Empathetic, Hopeful, Accommodating, Self-Doubt, and Vain

*Birthday: 05/12/2002

*Height: 5'6


-Emma Wild (Mother)

-William Wild (Father)

-Zack Fisher ("Friend"?)

-Marcy Dazzle (Crush)

*Background: Being raised for a partial-part of his life in a village in Denmark, James was told by his parents, Emma and William Wild, no matter what or who, to keep his own business and matters to himself and himself only. He should never involve himself in situations, and/or people, that would likely brew, and escalate, problems. They solidified that rule, down to its core. Which the young Boar understood crystal-clear. For his, and his family's, sake, safety, and wellbeing. However, there are instances where James pauses, watches, and lets everything he sees settle into his mind. Such as the crazy-like, careless, and sporadic acts of his village's citizens, and the collective-'government'. Their actions create domino effects, one after the other, that confuses and concerns James. Wondering "Why?" 'Why would everyone start to panic, worry, and only depend on violence to "help themselves"?' James witnesses out-of-character "formalities" such as theft, vandalism, violent protesting, and people depending on brute force when that would only lead to many people getting harmed. On their sides' or the others'. Seeing all of this at a young age burns these memories deep, that no matter how his parents keep him at bay, safe, secluded, and away from all of that danger, James could never forget them. Seeing that things are becoming harrier, the Wilds thankfully found themselves a new home they planned to move to. To finally break away and live in peace again. And that new home was Elmore, California. However, when arriving, the Wilds took notice to a familiar family, and family owned-company, they feared to see. The Anattes. Seeing that they cannot turn back, Emma and William sternly tell the Boar to steer clear of interacting with the Anattes by any means. "They're nothing but trouble, and we do not want to see you get hurt out there on your own!" This took James by surprise, but he still understood and obeyed his parents, word for word. As they settled into their new home, the Wilds try to help educate James through their own method of Home Schooling to let him grasp education by their own knowledge and teachings. Safely, more importantly. But seeing that after some time their efforts looked to be fruitless, the parents drew to a conclusion to sign James up to attend the local Jr. High of the town. So they can help fill in the gaps they, unfortunately, left for James. As soon as the Boar was settled successfully into his new school, he slowly began to be ridiculed and looked upon sourly for his ignorance on everything. Shocking James, while also causing him to now be afraid, anxious, and worried about attending school any longer if this is what he's going to be greeted with than what he thought of. That was until he "met" a classmate of his he grew a liking to over time; Zack Fisher. He was "understanding" to James' current situation, settlement, and noticing his efforts in perusing his education to succeed and become fully educated like his parents want him to be. However, to the purple cat, the only reason why he interacts and "helps" James is because of his lack of work that bothers him, creating an O.C.D-like unsettlement that he NEEDS to correct or else it will continue to pester him. But the Boar only took that as a token of friendship and cherishes it moving forward. As his family's time in Elmore grew, so did familiar elements of the town, including the country, start to surface. How the emotions of anger, sadness, and violence are read off from people that it reminds James of his home village. Getting him to, originally, be concerned and scared. Like how he was as a child. But it also gave birth to a drive in his heart he never knew existed. Kickstarting it to life. Letting James pause. Pause and think, 'With all this insanity running amok, who can be the ones to help get things back to what they once were? Peaceful. Who will help make that happen than continue letting this all unfold? It's harmful to everyone, and spreading like mad. No one deserves to be hurt, to be shut away, or watch the World burn away to ashes.' From that, James solidifies that HE is going to take that role he questions. To help be the 'voice' to get things back together and prevent more violence and destruction to unveil. Become a 'Peaceful Activist'. He could not make this choice-of-mind when he was back in Denmark, but he isn't going to let his other home follow the same kind of destiny.


Fallen Petals (Mentioned) - The1nkyG33k User Profile | DeviantArt

James, Emma, and William Wild, Zack (Mentioned), Marcy (Mentioned), and The Anattes (Mentioned) - Me

Elmore (Mentioned) - Ben Bocquelet

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Oct 12, 2021
2:17 AM EDT

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