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Yoga Furry


I decided to do something very easy, but ... after all, also very strong :-).
I used fifteen minutes of my time to realizare what you see here, the fact is that I like to do stuff like that ... at least pending the object that will allow me to hand draw directly on photoshop, in the meantime, I hand-army free. What do you think? I made a seven-minute video for you to see the realization, just to pass the time. If you want to watch it, I'm putting two lives to convert it to mp4 with sony vegas. Link below.
I photoshopped the signature and the logo that you see in the video is not for privacy reasons but for reasons of the sheet cleaning.

Watch the video -> https://youtu.be/xs9PqZf4u_c

Support me - https://www.paypal.me/emanuele85

Download the song here!
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-280340533

Newgrounds - http://oblivion72.newgrounds.com/

Also follow me on:
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClU6d7tU1vINrLhbCTosN2A

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Oblivion-Inc-330632913773793/?skip_nax_wizard=true

Twitter - (@Oblivionmsc): https://twitter.com/Oblivionmsc?s=09

DeviantArt - http://oblivioninc.deviantart.com/

Site - http://oblivionmsc.weebly.com

Mail - oblivionmsc@gmail.com

Oblivion Inc.

Visit ->https://m.facebook.com/I-Love-Furry-Fandom-1121344044578282/

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Waiting for 3 more votes

Jul 27, 2016
12:24 PM EDT

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Licensing Terms

You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.
You may not use this work for commercial purposes.