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The Blur HQ (Into, Across and Beyond!)


DIRECT DISCLAIMER: Very few sprites in this sprite mockup were made by me. All credits for the ones I used are in this description.


1.5 - Added an outdoor lamppost, two floating trophies based on the Mega Map Jam Collab for Ring Racers, and OMT!Mina's room at the top-right of the rooms.

As part of my ongoing Sonic: Into, Across and Beyond! project on Tumblr, I'd like to introduce a full-scale map of the Blur HQ, the main headquarters for the Blur Gang from their third interdimensional outing onwards, and there sure is plenty to take in. You're welcome to read the description more to know what everything is, or you can just examine the place as is and look at all the details.

This headquarters is situated in Tails's Lab in Emerald Town (Dimension MP-2021), and is where the gang can access the OMT universe willingly at any time via a special multiversal transport tube. Nine (from Sonic Prime) assisted a bit with its construction, using the technical know-how he acquired during his time with the crew to engineer several of the parts needed to make this expansive underground hub for the Gang.

The whole place was fully constructed after the events of More than One Universe (an alternate Spider-Man: No Way Home), when my versions of Tails and Eggman fully fixed up means of multiversal travel to and from the OMT universe to allow any friendly inhabitants to come and go as they please. Ever since, this is where the Blur Gang have been doing mission briefings and stuff in their spare time whenever they're not on missions or anything important back home.

For your convenience, the background for the inside of the place is Cosmic Angel from Sonic Advance.

Credits for Sprite Work

Sonic 2: Secret Zones Team, Dolphman, DanielMania123, br0wn13, SmithyGCN, Techokami, Tonberry2k, FuzzysArting, PicsAndPixels, CartoonsAnimate22, BigHungryMode, Namco, and SEGA and Sonic Team

Arcade cabinet sprites by XanderWood

Feel free to go here to see who has which role in this AU. All sprite credits for them are listed on the post.

Made using Tiled, Clickteam Fusion 2.5, Paint.NET and MS Paint.

Base Tour


At the far-left of the place is the main entrance into the base, with a notice board for anything important to point out, and tunnel chutes that lead to the entry chamber. In this room is where anyone coming in is checked before they are allowed in proper, and this is also where the Sea Fox is docked for underwater voyages.

You may have also noticed the two molecule zappers on either side of the entry chute. Those aren't just for show, though, as they'll zap any unwelcome intruders during the process of ejecting them back out.

Central Lobby

Coming into the HQ itself is the main lobby, used directly for any important matters (or to get some food for eating or preparing meals, considering a big fridge also resides here).

The sector closest to the WELCOME sign is used for direct travel to and from other universes, and this line of work could happen anywhere, hence the need for such a technology. This too has the same security measures as the main entrance. You might also notice a little desk with a jar of hearts and reblog sheets. That's how the gang are keeping track of the series' reception on Tumblr in-universe.

Further along from there is the main computer, used for scanning other universes or plotting out key steps for a plan. Plus, it kinda has some cool video games on there, too. Just next to it is a funnel elevator that leads directly to other parts of the base for convenience. I'll list each one in detail below.

Special Training (directly up top from the funnel entrance)

Up here is the new site for the Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald of OMT!Tails's dimension, secured here under the safe protection of the Blur Gang to keep villains away from the priceless gems. Sadly, same can't be said about the Emeralds from other dimensions, which still need protecting/recollecting as need be.

Time travel can be accessed in a flash here via two time posts, and training in the Special Dimension is provided here too, with a custom-built Combi Catcher on hand to hang tight to the respective Chaos Emerald during the course(s). A computer next to the posts allows for a member to pick what course they're going for, alongside the Emerald they're aiming to get (with difficulty differing between Emeralds; green is easiest, and light blue is hardest).

Main Training Facility (Right, down, right from the funnels)

Up in this area is where Blur Gang members can practice their skills in a safe and controlled environment. Courses can be selected as need be, and item monitors are all set up for testing here, too. Each course is in a virtual setting like Null Space or other computer levels from the Sonic series, with all possible Blur Gang skills catered for between its vast variety of members.

Those with access to the warp funnel at the left side of the room can go to the Trophy Room on the floor above. This is where any trophies the gang have acquired from Ring Racers Grand Prix's are stored at, and the data for them is automatically transferred here for any winners amidst the Blur Gang. (The Mega and Genesis Cup icons are made by me, while the other non-original ones were pulled and shrunk down from the game).

Hangout Room (Bottom floor, to the left)

This is where the Blur Gang are able to simply kick back and unwind after any crazy day saving the multiverse. In here is a bookshelf (full of books and comics of all kinds), a treasure chest for any goodies the heroes may've found while out and about, a comfy sofa and a TV (connected up to my in-universe GBC network, and is also connectable to different game consoles). Framed pictures also adorn the walls of the location to give it some decorative flair.

Oh, yeah. That vase conveniently placed on top of the bookshelf? That's actually the seventh/eighth one that's been placed there, after repeated cases of Mr. Needlemouse (by MCStudio) smashing it often. He already broke two of them while Nine was setting up the HQ, would you believe!

Resting Quarters (Bottom floor, to the right)

Coming straight into here is a big door to the side. That leads into the bathroom space for anyone who needs it, and it's structured the same as that from DanielMania123's Twilight Mansion level, albeit without any spooky-scary creepy-crawlies haunting the place.

However, the main attraction for this place is the multiple rooms available for Blur Gang members who ever wish to stay at the base overnight if needed. Each one is custom-built to the members' personal interests and personalities, and each has an opaque laser barrier to facilitate privacy should a member need it.

Visibly, the Blur Gang members that have their own rooms on this map so far are OMT!Tails (first on the left), Nitro (my own character; last on the left), Ex-Prince Brian (an AU version of BEC the Hedgehog by BECEnterprises and jordangaming101; above the bottom room), and Devy and Smol Devy (by NotSoDevy; ground floor).

SEGAVerse Blur Bangers Recording Studio

Accessed via the teleporter adjacent to the central computer, this is the recording studio for the Blur Gang's local radio station, SEGAVerse Blur Bangers, based on the radio venture a Sonic and Tails from another world had tested out before. The station is able to reach both locally and interdimensionally to a variety of listeners and watchers.

As you can see, the studio is kitted out like Studiopolis, with an on-site popcorn shop, recording equipment, transport to the concealed Gallop Lotto wheel, a Ballhog piñata, and even a big TV in the area for keeping in touch with other happenings. Visuals are also transmitted to anyone listening to the radio station online.

This place is one of the last Nine had manually put together, feeling that it'd be an interesting endeavour for the Blur Gang to undergo on weekends when they weren't too busy with other stuff.

Arcade Room

On the floor above the studio is the crew's personal arcade room, all kitted out with a wide variety of arcade machines and games, and decorated with all sorts of retro things like posters, wall decor, figurines and plushies.

This room is available for if any of the gang feel like playing video games or challenging each other in a friendly competition together.

Outdoor Garden

Accessed via the teleporter adjacent to the central computer, this is an outdoor area of the base sprinkled in nature, with a lush waterfall close by from one branching river that provides clean power to the base (as you can see with the tube in the middle of the resting quarters.

The Tornado and various trinkets OMT!Tails salvaged (like the checkpoint, a Goal Post and an empty Egg Capsule) are put up here and maintained regularly for anything needed in OMT!Tails's world. In addition, see the pedestals with small Emeralds on top of them? Those are the energy sources of seven statues across dimensions that conceal the way to the universe of Dr. EggOmega (an antagonist original to IAB!).

A floating platform that can come up to that level also leads to a takeoff ramp for any ocean craft outside of the Sea Fox, or as a launching ramp for other sky vehicles that aren't the Tornado.

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This looks great! :D You made all the sprites right?

PicoSpeedGrounds responds:

Well, most of the stuff put together for this map is from various resources (most of which were from either The Spriters' Resource or DA). I got specific artists credited in the description, if that helps. 😅

Credits & Info

3.83 / 5.00

Jul 6, 2024
4:07 PM EDT

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