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Out of ideas: A bunch of art (part 2)


People of you, Hi! I'm Petunia! And WELCOME BACK TO THE EXHIBIT KIDLLYWINKS! Hope ya weren't too bummed to not see it all in one go but eh thems the breaks we ain't got enough budget to support a gallery that large. BUT I HOPE YOU'RE EXCITED, not too excited though. Save that reaction cause I'm gonna make a bigger one later. Anyways onto the art! So where'd we leave off?

Page seven (also known as page one here, just roll with it) is another collection of OC doodles labeled Side C. This features a crap ton of reused art from my doodle page because of time constraints, I'd say the only original one is Fletcher as sans. One of these you have seen before and that's the peanuts style sketch of Aiko and Brooklyn! Also I think possibly the sketch of Charlie and Panty outfit swapped but IDK I might be wrong about that.

Page 8 is one of my absolute favorites! It's an advertisement for a Brooklyn figurine! The inspiration for this was evilsk8r's sketch of boyfriend's nendroid figurine mixed with the presentation of 70's pop art very akin to that seen in jackbox's party game "Fakin' it." Also the font used is from my little pony, it's the equestria font. Also also I spelled unemployed wrong.

Page 9 is a sticker page! Ideally on the physical print of this I would've had sticker paper and stickers you could easily peel off and stick somewhere but I really don't have the budget or means to do that. The presentation is a tad recycled from the Brooklyn figurine ad but mixed up with a checkerboard patten. Also fun fact the stickers here are all old art of my OCS from last year that were initially meant to be Christmas tree ornaments but got reused here. Also because it's old art none of my OCS have their updated designs. To point out some differences, Brooklyn (the yellow one) has a more rounded off and different haircut and the angry face on his hat is on the front instead of being a little patch of the top. Lulu (the pink and blue one) has little hair doinks at the top of her hair that aren't there in her current design, she has her old haircut that still has two sonic ass strands instead of just one, her said hair tufts are a different shape, and her outfit is still her old one. Iris (the green one) has her old haircut which has the Gardevoir ass hair tufts that were removed in here current design and her sleeves are down compared to her current design where they're rolled halfway up. Finally, Aiko (the purple one) is sporting her old haircut, her old outfit, and her old hair accessories which were sorta moved around in her current design. That was a lot my apologies.

Page 10 is the second half to the sticker page and has a flipped presentation in terms of colors and orientations. This was actually inspired by the cut content from Hotline 024's red and blue mix art. Also these stickers were made recently so they feature current designs of each character. Though the only design with no confirmed future changes is my sona. Fetcher (the teal one) features a bare bones concept design that's missing a lot of design details that are still in development for them. Hazel (the red one) was a character that was resigned super quickly just for these comic pages so they have an extremely in concept design, the only element that's been confirmed for her design is her hair and face. So I guess that's your fun fact

Page 11 is the last collection of doodles labeled side D. Fun fact this was made in 30 minutes so I didn't get to put to much detail. The dj art of Lulu and Brooklyn is reused and extremely rough and so is the other art of Brooklyn and his conceptualized feminine outfit. The only art that was made sooner was the one with Hazel and Iris recreating the fucking dragon ball rain meme that was going around when I was making this.

The last page is the back cover of the comic and features a little portrait shot of my sona which by the way I made the sketch concept but it was very amazingly brought to life by my good friend @cherry.cherry.arts on Instagram. The guy is extremely talented and you should definitely check him out, he did an amazing job with this last page and helped me out big time with this project. But for cute little details I only got one and it's on the Polaroid. On the frame of it you can see little signatures by each of my characters accompanied by little doodles of each of them. I got no references for this besides all the signatures are in character. That's it really

Thank you for attending this little gallery, be sure to take a testicular cancer pamphlet on the way out. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we do testing and imaging here so don't be a stranger! Also every test comes with a free Heinz condiment of your choice on the way out. Just a little way for us to say thanks to you!

Genuinely though if you did read both parts of the ramblings of a hopped up autistic woman, thank you. I genuinely appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. This art project has been the most effort I've put into anything art related ever. And I'm incredibly proud of myself for putting forward my best work in such a short timespan (which was one week, dude it was a nightmare.) Point is, thank you. I hope you enjoyed looking at these as I did making them for you all. That's all from me for now cause I am quite tired from drawing. So Thank ya kindly honeybunches!

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5.00 / 5.00

Nov 9, 2024
8:58 PM EST

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