Your trying is paying off! However, I do find some things that are off. For one, the head is too big, and for two, the legs are too short. Lengthen the thighs and shrink the head. Also, the hands look like they're in awkward positions. Her right hand seems to be floating off of her hip, which believe me from the way I see it would be very painful, or slightly uncomfortable to keep it there. The other hand needs to have more fingers on her thigh. To me, it looks like she's groping the wrong area. The clothes are uneven as well.
However, I do see you trying to make an effort to get away from anime. Kudos to that, since I can relate. I too, am trying to get away from my anime roots, and am trying something a bit more western. So, I will certainly give props for that. Trust me, you will be drawing plenty of awkward poses, after what anime-only art does to you. I mean, I like the style and all, but to a beginning artist, it is crippling. I should know, I drew anime until I decided to get off my ass and actually start studying for once.
Trust me on this, this is not a bad start. In fact, I should probably expect a lot of this. That does not mean you will not improve at all, in fact, failure will eventually lead to success the more you keep trying to solve the problem. Keep at it, and I am certain withing a few months, or possibly a year, you'll be significantly better at drawing poses and things of that nature. Just keep working and working and never give up! Godspeed, my good sir.