The Main Nine Realms in Aidoru
The First Realms to be made by "Them"
(Mint Green/Green Cat Realm Portal)
Show: The Main 9
The First Realm of The Series and The Last Realm to be made overall made by "Them". This Realm is Inhabited by Creatures made from "Them" from Ideas Seen Through Their mind.
(Yellow Question Mark Realm Portal)
Show: Gang Gang
The Second Realm of the Series, but the first to be made by them! This Realm is Inhabited by Creatures made Random out of context.
(Pink Star Dazzling Realm Portal)
Show: Heavenly Nature
The Third Realm of the Series. This Realm is Inhabited by Creatures from "their" dreams
Show: Those Guys
(Heart and Health Realm Portal)
The Fourth Realm of the Series. The Realm is Inhabited with Creatures that have their names starting with the same letters as their ancestors, no matter HOW OVERUSED IT IS.
Show: Monumental Madness
(Grey Cloud Realm Portal)
The Fifth Realm of the Series. The Realm us Inhabited with Creatures in different sizes, some big, giant, small, or mini.
Show: Funtime Forever
(Cyan/Light Blue Star/Spotlight Realm Portal)
The Sixith Realm of the Series. The Realm is Inhabited with Humanoid Furry and Kaiju Creatures.
Show: Freeze to Flame Chaos
(Flying Shapes Realm Portal)
The Seventh Realm of the Series. The Realm is Inhabited by Anthro Characters.
Show: The Magical Journey
(Floating Question Mark and Stars Realm Portal)
The Eighth Realm of the Series. The Realm is Forest, Nature and Ghostly Theme.
Show: The Masscure
(Skull and Demon Realm Portal)
The Nineth Realm of The Series. The Realm is Inhabited with Nightmarish and Demonic Creatures
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