This piece is part of the RevelNeko DeviantArt Collection - 2019, which is part of an archival project of all my old work from DeviantArt. The 2019 Collection is where I really started to kick off - I had upgraded from Krita to CSP and was making use of the new tools I now had at my disposal. This had me at my most productive - up until a point. There's a lot of stuff in this collection, so notes may be a bit more scattered this time around.
Rev's Note: This one will forever be an enigma to me. For some reason, this has been one of my best-performing pieces to date and I still have no idea why. I'm not saying it's a bad piece, I just don't see what the mass appeal was for it (I say 'mass appeal' but realistically it was only a few hundred people - still more than usual).
You may not use this work for any purposes.