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ZENRON Custom Skin - Super Spell Heroes


Mobile game competition art
I would love to see this in the game!
Mid Progress:

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wow so fast to submit!

rhys510 responds:

Thanks i wanted to get it done on the day to start the competition off with a cool necromancy style skin!

Hey, I like your design. If you are competing in the Jazza competition I would like to inform you that you have to submit your art on Twitter or Instagram. Good luck.

rhys510 responds:

I submitted it on twitter but did not tag Jazza, do i need to? i used the hash tag i was meant to i think?

This looks amazing, hope you will be within the first 3 places.

rhys510 responds:

I hope so too all the prizes seem awesome and i would love my work to be re made for the game!

Nice,hope you win,or at least place,this is too cool of a design to go to waste.

rhys510 responds:

Thanks i was wanting to do it before anyone else thought up a necromancy skin :P

Omg Jazza is gonna love this piece! It's so imaginative and gives the character a whole another demeanor! I wish you luck on your submission, dear!

rhys510 responds:

Thanks :D
I am glad you like it so much!

Credits & Info

4.41 / 5.00

Aug 27, 2018
9:20 PM EDT

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Licensing Terms

You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:

You must give credit to the artist.
You may not use this work for commercial purposes.