The one on the right is cute :D
OOOH FUCK I FORGOT TO POST THIS AHAJSGWHAHWHSHAHHA I FINISHED THEM LIKE YESTERDAY AAA, whatever, here's the DemonKids (My OC's) in christmas costumes or somtin, I was inspired by how Krampus (the devil of krima) punished children that are on the naughty list, basically with the kids doing the same every christmas, that's why their horns are white and their tails are hairy, to resemble Krampus, anyways hope you all like it and had a very GOOD krima!
AAAH PTA MADRE OLVIDE PONER ESTO AGAHAHHSSHHAHSGSHGAHASH LOS TERMINE AYER QUE CARAJOS, comosea, aqui hice a los DemoNiños (mis OC's) con trajes de navidad o algog, estaba inspirado en como Krampus (un demonio de la navidad o una verga asi) castigaba a los niños que fueran de la lista negra, basicamente con los 2 hermanos haciendo lo mismo cada navidad, por eso es que sus cuernos son blancos y sus colas peludas (suena re mal.. que diablos.. jeje diablos) para parecerse a Krampus, comosea espero que les guste y hayan tenido una linda navidad!
The one on the right is cute :D
Thanks!! also her name is Rushi!
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