Fantastic Work! :D
I would love to see a Silent hill Re-make within my lifetime
Fantastic Work! :D
I would love to see a Silent hill Re-make within my lifetime
thank you!
aw man so would i. even if no re-make, a port of some kind would be nice. :c
It's kinda sad that right now one of the only ways SH lives on is really good fan art. A part of me wants for capcom to just buy the SH license and redo SH 1 using the engine they made RE 2 Remake with. But even capcom can get greedy and rush things as illustrated by the RE3 Nemesis Remake. Not saying it is terrible but they cut out A LOT of content from it. By the way, I love the adorable cats on Cheryl's outfit. lol. Almost as if they are her guardian spirits,heh.
well first capcom needs to do somethin about haunting ground ghdfgiugdhfghdhg
but a new silent hill or some kinda remaster or something would be nice :o
Feature this newgrounds plz i love this
I miss "silent hill" very good art
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