After some thought, I think that while the picture itself looks nice from a technical perspective, it's not very good overall. No one would build this many houses on a tree of this size. I think it would've been better to build inside of an ultra-huge tree, instead of around a tree like this. That said, I can't even see the tree bark, so I think you might as well have just had a vertical neighborhood thing. You should pick an aspect of this picture, and work with and around it. There needs to be rhyme and reason for the subject (in this case, high altitude houses) to exist, which is what the background is for.
I'm sure if you give it some thought you could make something way better than this which is just a passing grade and not much more. Give your audience something to digest for a while, make them want to come back and show their friends what you made. Tell a good story with a single instant. That's the best way to improve from here.